First of all merry xmas to everyone on the list!
I was checking the code for byphase decoding of rds, and I have noticed
that in the ST_LOOKING state the author waits for two valid zero
crossings in the signal, spaced enough to look like symbols, and then
uses the consume function to “rewind” to the beginning of the symbol.
He also tries to put the clock in phase with the signal, trying to
consume enough samples from the clock to align the beginning of the
symbol with the zero crossing of the clock.
I have added a couple debugging fstreams, and what I get is that the
consume on the data input works ok, while the consume on the clock does
not; any explanation for this behaviour?
I am attaching a couple data files, aftersync and beforesync; they are
gnuplot ready and show what happens before and after consume.
The code responsible for looking state is copied below.
best regards
Matteo iz2eeq
// adjust clock and signal; if fine: go locked
if(d_sign_last == 0) { d_sign_last = (in[0] > 0 ? 1 : -1); }
for( i = 0; i < n_in; i++) {
filetwo << i << " " << in[i] << " " << clk[i] << '\n';
sign_current = (in[i] > 0 ? 1 : -1);
if(sign_current != d_sign_last) {
// Remember the zero crossing and check next time if it was a half
or a whole symbol…
printf(“Zero Crossing at i = %d\n”, i);
if(d_last_zc != 0) {
int delta = i - d_last_zc;
printf(“Delta of Zero Crossing = %d\n”, delta);
if((delta >= SYMBOL_LENGTH - 5)) {
//if(abs(delta-SYMBOL_LENGTH)<20) {
// That was a 1, 0 or 0, 1 in signal; i is now pointing the middle
of a symbol
printf(“sync… consume: %d\n”, (i-(delta/2)) );
consume(0, i-(delta/2));
// From this point sync clk
d_sign_last = (clk[0] > 0 ? 1: -1);
for (i = 0; i < n_clk_in ; i++) {
sign_current = (clk[i] > 0 ? 1: -1);
if(sign_current != d_sign_last) {
// zero crossing in clock
printf(“clock sync… consume: %d\n”,i);
d_sign_last = sign_current;
return 0; // No output produced, but now clock and
signal are synced
d_last_zc = i;
d_sign_last = sign_current;
d_last_zc = d_last_zc - n_in;
cons = (n_in > n_clk_in ? n_clk_in : n_in );
printf(“clock and data consume: %d\n”,cons);
consume(0, cons);
consume(1, cons);
return 0;