Hi all,
I meet a strange behavior when building gnuradio (v3.5.3.X) on my
desktop with Fedora 16 these two days.
When I build in the directory build/:
rm -rf *
gr-cmake # my script which call cmake with some options enabled
make -j 8 && make test
The test ‘qa_pmt’ always fail. When run
./gruel/src/python/qa_pmt_test.sh, I can see the error message.
It is attached below for your reference.
However, when I build in some different directory, say build-test/,
build-another/, or build2/, and repeat the commands above, all tests
will pass.
I have cleaned the directories and tested many times, and qa_pmt always
fail under build/ but always pass under other build directories.
Occasionally I get compilation errors with make -j 8, I will then try
make with less parallel jobs. But it doesn’t affect the phenomenon
above. I am not familiar with cmake now but I don’t think the make test
result should vary with particular build directory. Maybe this indicates
some problems with the OS?
(I will also attach the script gr-cmake, although I do not think it is