Story Runner: Two 'then' steps output as 'then..and' :)

Maybe I’m slow, but I just noticed that the following code…

When ‘I login’
When ‘I do something else’

…will output as…

When ‘I login’
And ‘I do something else’

The same is true for two ‘Then’ steps

That is really cool!
Reusable steps and coherent English output.

  • Andy

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On 10/15/07, Andy W. [email protected] wrote:

Maybe I’m slow, but I just noticed that the following code…

When ‘I login’
When ‘I do something else’

You’re encouraged to write this as:

When ‘I login’
And ‘I do something else’


Thanks David,

After rereading Dan’s original rbehave introduction, i see its important
think of steps are either

  1. Givens
  2. Events (When)
  3. Outcomes (Then)

In a ‘Then…And’ scenario, the ‘And’ is an Outcome and therefore
only as an outcome.
That is, either ‘Then’ or a in another ‘Then…And’.

Similarly, in a ‘When…And’ scenario, this ‘And’ is an Event step and is
reusable as a ‘When’ or in another ‘When…And’.

  • Andy

David C.-2 wrote:

When ‘I login’

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