Storing search results of user in database

I just implemented the advanced search functionality described in

Does someone you have some links where i can find information about
storing the user’s search results in the database and show them when
they login.


As far as I can tell the idea is not to save the search results, but
the search parameters.
In order to bring up the search results when the user logs in again,
just rerun the search with the stored parameters from the model. Is
this not sufficient?

On May 28, 7:51 am, Remco Z. [email protected]

you can save search parameters in database and then reexecute when
user log back in

Harold wrote:

As far as I can tell the idea is not to save the search results, but
the search parameters.
In order to bring up the search results when the user logs in again,
just rerun the search with the stored parameters from the model. Is
this not sufficient?

On May 28, 7:51�am, Remco Z. [email protected]

I am a newbie…so if you now some examples/links about “saving
user-search parameters in database and then reexecute when
user log back in” it would be a nice start to implement this kind of
feature in my website…
