[Stories]Troubles with GivenScenario

I have some problems with GivenScenario, my scenario keeps on failing
when I use GivenScenario, like if the database or the session was not
in the same state at the beginning of the new scenario as it was at
the end of the given one. If I try to group my two scenari in only one
big scenario then it passes… Any clue of what I might do wrong
there ?

you can see here my story :

Story: Filling a profile

As a user
I want to fill a profile
So that I can see my score

Scenario: Starting a new profile

Given a company
And a department
And 2 questions
And a number of replies
And the logged in user [email protected]

When the user starts a new profile

Then there should be a new profile for this user
And there should be a list of remaining questions ( ids stored in

the session )

When the user answers a question

Then there should be one more answer
Then there should be one question less to answer

Scenario: Ending a profile
GivenScenario: Starting a new profile # if i remove these 2 lines

When the user answers a question # fails here because the question

which id’s is stored in the session can’t be found

Then there should be one more answer
Then there should be no more question to answer
Then the profile should be set as terminated

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 5:13 AM, Bastien [email protected]

I have some problems with GivenScenario, my scenario keeps on failing
when I use GivenScenario, like if the database or the session was not
in the same state at the beginning of the new scenario as it was at
the end of the given one. If I try to group my two scenari in only one
big scenario then it passes… Any clue of what I might do wrong
there ?

Hard to tell from plain text. Can you post the steps definitions?

Of course, here you go :

steps_for(:work_area_execution) do

Given(“a company”) do
@account = Factory.create_valid_account()

Given(“$amount questions?”) do |amount|
category = Factory.create_valid_category
work_area = Factory.create_valid_work_area(category)
amount.to_i.times do

Given(“a department”) do
@department = Factory.create_valid_department(:account_id =>

Given(“a number of replies”) do
@replies = Reply.find(:all).size

Given(“the logged in user $email”) do |email|
@user = Factory.create_valid_user(:email=>email, :department_id =>
@department.id, :account_id => @account.id)
@user_profiles = Profile.find(:all, :conditions => [‘user_id
= ?’,@user.id]).size
host! “company.example.com
post “sessions”,
{:login => email,
:password => “bacon”}
follow_redirect! if redirect?

When(“the user starts a new profile”) do
post person_profiles_path(@user)
follow_redirect! if redirect?

When(“the user answers a question”) do
q = Question.find(session[:current_question]) # doesn’t work with
w = q.work_area
c = w.category

post profile_question_answers_path(@user.profiles.first, q.id),
      { 'reply[current]' => 4,
        'reply[work_area_id]' => w.id,
        'reply[question_id]' =>q.id,
        'reply[category_id]'=> c.id,
        'reply[base]' => nil, }
follow_redirect! if redirect?


Then(“there should be a new profile for this user”) do
@user.profiles.size.should == @user_profiles + 1

Then(“there should be a list of remaining questions”) do
session[:current_question].should_not == nil
session[:pending_questions].should_not == nil
@remaining_questions = session[:pending_questions].size

Then(“there should be one question less to answer”) do
session[:pending_questions].size.should == @remaining_questions -
@remaining_questions = session[:pending_questions].size

Then(“there should be one more answer”) do
Reply.find(:all).size.should == @replies + 1
@replies = Reply.find(:all).size

Then(“there should be no more question to answer”) do
session[:pending_questions].size.should == 0
session[:current_question].should == nil

Then(“the profile should be set as terminated”) do
@user.profiles.first.finished_at.should_not == nil


Thanks for your time and help.

done : Lighthouse - Beautifully Simple Issue Tracking

Thanks for your great work.

On Tue, Mar 25, 2008 at 6:31 AM, Bastien [email protected]

category = Factory.create_valid_category

post "sessions",

When(“the user answers a question”) do
‘reply[base]’ => nil, }
@remaining_questions = session[:pending_questions].size
@replies = Reply.find(:all).size


Looks like GivenScenario gets run in a separate instance of RailsStory
(which is derived from ActionController::IntegrationSession) from the
rest of the scenario. This would explain why the session gets cleared
out. I can tell you that the DB state does NOT get cleared out, but
the mechanism is different.

I’m not going to have cycles to investigate a solution right away, so
would you please submit a ticket at http://rspec.lighthouseapp.com?
