hi… can any body help me?
i want to insert data into sql server(2005)database…
i have a int value to pass…
how can i send it to the stored procedure
here IndID is the integer value but when i want to pass it… it is
showing the follwing error:
DBI::DatabaseError: Execute
OLE error code:80040E07 in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Error converting data type varchar to int //// here also showing
variable must be declared if
quote taken off
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
Exception occurred.: exec SP_peopleinsert
thanx for helping… in advance
Sumanta D. wrote:
hi… can any body help me?
i want to insert data into sql server(2005)database…
i have a int value to pass…
how can i send it to the stored procedure
here IndID is the integer value but when i want to pass it… it is
showing the follwing error:
DBI::DatabaseError: Execute
OLE error code:80040E07 in Microsoft OLE DB Provider for SQL Server
Error converting data type varchar to int //// here also showing
variable must be declared if
quote taken off
HRESULT error code:0x80020009
Exception occurred.: exec SP_peopleinsert
thanx for helping… in advance
i need it urgently… plz helppp
On 04.07.2008 13:11, Sumanta D. wrote:
DBI::DatabaseError: Execute
thanx for helping… in advance
i need it urgently… plz helppp
Don’t push people. All of us do this for the fun of it.
Where is your Ruby code?