Stopping String Escaping


I’m trying to parse code snippets on a website that are submitted by the
user. the problem is that when a user tries to shop escaping in there
code the escaping actually happens.

for instance if you submit \ ruby teats it as a single \ is there
anyway to stop this? I still require all the other 's such as \n etc.


Phil Cooper-king wrote:


I’m trying to parse code snippets on a website that are submitted by the
user. the problem is that when a user tries to shop escaping in there
code the escaping actually happens.

for instance if you submit \ ruby teats it as a single \ is there
anyway to stop this? I still require all the other 's such as \n etc.

How are you parsing them?

If you are using then no unescaping is done.

If you are parsing them using eval(), then you are inviting your machine
to be 0wned. See

If you are parsing them some other way, then please explain it. Please
also explain what “shop escaping” is.



How are you parsing them?
If you are using then no unescaping is done.
I am using rails and redcloth, I have the plain-text in the database,
and the text gets parsed when the view gets called atm.

I am using Uv to for the syntax, which I pull out before sending to

def snatch_code(text)
    snippets = text.scan(/#>code\((\S+)\)(.+?)#>code/m)

    snippets.each do |snip|
      code = Uv.parse(snip[1], 'xhtml', snip[0], false, 'twilight')
      code.insert(0, "<notextile>")
      code.insert(code.length, "</notextile>")
      text.sub!(/#>code\((\S+)\)(.+?)#>code/m, code)


then redcloth parses it.

If you are parsing them using eval(), then you are inviting your machine
to be 0wned. See
Programming Ruby: The Pragmatic Programmer's Guide
ouch. and thanks

If you are parsing them some other way, then please explain it. Please
also explain what “shop escaping” is.

dyslexia rules! KO!

I want to stop the escaping that’s not dealing with whitespace, tab, new
line etc.


OK, then what I suggest is you make a standalone test case, outside of

source = <<‘EOS’
Put your sample source code here

yeah I did this as well.

require 'rubygems'
require 'uv'

un_parsed =<<ENDOF

parsed = Uv.parse(un_parsed, "xhtml", "c++", false, "twilight")
=> \

puts un_parsed
=> \

in both cases the slash gets lost. I expect the \ to be lost in puts
tho. Using the dump I see the double slash is still there.

Phil Cooper-king wrote:

I am using Uv to for the syntax, which I pull out before sending to

def snatch_code(text)
>     snippets = text.scan(/#>code\((\S+)\)(.+?)#>code/m)
>     snippets.each do |snip|
>       code = Uv.parse(snip[1], 'xhtml', snip[0], false, 'twilight')
>       code.insert(0, "<notextile>")
>       code.insert(code.length, "</notextile>")
>       text.sub!(/#>code\((\S+)\)(.+?)#>code/m, code)
>     end
>     text
>   end

OK, then what I suggest is you make a standalone test case, outside of

source = <<‘EOS’
Put your sample source code here

Print it to be sure it hasn’t already been escaped by Ruby

Now process it with Uv

Show the intermediate state

Now process it with Redcloth

Show the final state

Then you can see whether the problem is with Uv, or with Redcloth.

Then the question becomes much more focussed - for example, it might be
“how do I stop Redcloth turning \ into \ inside a section?”

Hopefully it’s clear from the above
yes, thanks you.

So try your test case again:
(1) Use the / END to get the test source in
(2) Use ‘puts’ and not ‘dump’ to see clearly what you have

require 'rubygems'
require 'redcloth'

data_read =
string = "\\"






although I have no idea how to treat a string as a file.
is all this to do with encoding? (sorry if that was a dense question)

erb results are similar, which I would have though was be happening in
rails anyway"\").src
=> “_erbout = ‘’; _erbout.concat “\\”; _erbout”

Phil Cooper-king wrote:

un_parsed =<<ENDOF

Unfortunately, here the \ is being turned into a single backslash by
ruby, the same as inside a quoted string. In other words, the same as

irb(main):001:0> “\”.size
=> 1
irb(main):002:0> ‘\’.size
=> 1

The simplest way of preventing this is to read unparsed from a file, or
you can have an inline dataset at the end of your source code, like

unparsed =
… rest of your code goes here


I expect the \ to be lost in puts

No, puts never converts two backslashes into one. If your string
contains two backslashes, puts will show two backslashes.

Using the dump I see the double slash is still there.

No, this is the opposite. String#inspect turns a raw string into a
quoted string for display purposes, and as part of this quoting a single
backslash is displayed as two backslashes.

Look at this:

irb(main):001:0> s = 92.chr
=> “\”
irb(main):002:0> s.size
=> 1
irb(main):003:0> puts s

=> nil
irb(main):004:0> s2 = s + s
=> “\\”
irb(main):005:0> s2.size
=> 2
irb(main):006:0> puts s2
=> nil

Hopefully it’s clear from the above that string s has one character (a
single backslash), and s2 has two backslashes. But these are displayed
in quoted form in irb as


respectively. puts displays them correctly.

Similarly, a single newline character is displayed as backslash-n when
inspect gives the quoted form; whereas puts actually prints a newline.

irb(main):009:0> nl = 10.chr
=> “\n”
irb(main):010:0> nl.size
=> 1
irb(main):011:0> puts nl

=> nil

So try your test case again:
(1) Use the / END to get the test source in
(2) Use ‘puts’ and not ‘dump’ to see clearly what you have

Here’s the kind of standalone test I was thinking of.

----- 8< -------------------------------------------------
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘uv’
require ‘redcloth’

snip =
code = Uv.parse(snip, ‘xhtml’, ‘ruby’, false, ‘twilight’)
code.insert(0, “”)
code.insert(code.length, “”)

puts “Hello world!\n”
puts “Hello\one backslash”
----- 8< -------------------------------------------------

And for me the output it gives is:

puts "Hello world!\n"
puts "Hello\\one backslash"

This looks correct to me. So can you provide an example where it fails?
Otherwise you need to look elsewhere in your application to see if
you’re providing the wrong input into Uv, or you’re handling the output

Or maybe you have an old gem with a bug which has since been fixed. I’m

ultraviolet (0.10.2)
RedCloth (4.2.2)

thanks again

yep I have the same gems and the same result running your code.

I went nuts with the puts all over the place

fromdb: “##code(ruby)\r\n’\\’\r\n##code\r\n”

before: “##code(ruby)\n’\\’\n##code\n”

before parse: “\n’\\’\n”

after parse: “<pre class=“twilight”>\n<span class=“String”><span
class=“String”>’<span class=“StringConstant”>\\<span

after insert: “<pre class=“twilight”>\n<span
class=“String”><span class=“String”>’<span

after sub: “<pre class=“twilight”>\n<span
class=“String”><span class=“String”>’<span

so after the sub section I loose two of the back slashes

  text.sub!(/##code\((\S+)\)(.+?)##code/m, code)

Phil Cooper-king wrote:

so after the sub section I loose two of the back slashes

  text.sub!(/##code\((\S+)\)(.+?)##code/m, code)

Ah yes, backslashes have a special interpretation in the
string-replacement part of a (g)sub too: \1 means the first capture, \2
means the second capture etc, so \ means a single backslash.

Note that the replacement string here is two backslashes:

puts “abc”.sub(/b/, “\\”)
=> nil

The easy solution is to use the block form of sub instead.

puts “abc”.sub(/b/) { “\\” }
=> nil

You could simplify your code if you rewrote to use the block form of
gsub anyway.

text.gsub!(/#>code((\S+))(.+?)#>code/m) do |snip|
… make a string containing the marked-up code

Phil Cooper-king wrote:

Hopefully it’s clear from the above
yes, thanks you.

So try your test case again:
(1) Use the / END to get the test source in
(2) Use ‘puts’ and not ‘dump’ to see clearly what you have

... data_read = string = "\\" ... __END__ \\

So in this program, ‘data_read’ contains two backslash characters; and
‘string’ contains a single backslash character.




That looks correct to me - HTML doesn’t need a backslash to be escaped.
So now add Uv into your test to see if that is munging the backslashes.

although I have no idea how to treat a string as a file.

A string is just a string. In ruby 1.8 it’s a sequence of bytes; in ruby
1.9 it’s a sequence of characters. But that doesn’t matter here; a
backslash is a backslash, and is both a single character and a single
byte in either ASCII or UTF-8.

However if you enter a string literal in a ruby program (or in IRB),
then it is parsed with backslash escaping rules to turn it into an
actual String object. For example:

a = “abc\ndef”
b = ‘abc\ndef’

string ‘a’ contains 7 characters (a,b,c,newline,d,e,f), whereas string b
contains 8 characters (a,b,c,backslash,n,d,e,f). This is because there
are different escaping rules for double-quoted and single-quoted

In a single-quoted string literal, ’ is a single quote, and \ is a
backslash, and everything else is treated literally, so \n is two
characters \ and n.

In a double-quoted string literal, " is a double quote, \n is a
newline, \ is a backslash, and there’s a whole load of other expansion
including #{…} for expression interpolation and #@… for instance
variable substitution.

erb results are similar, which I would have though was be happening in
rails anyway"\").src
=> “_erbout = ‘’; _erbout.concat “\\”; _erbout”

Now you’re just scaring yourself with backslash escaping :slight_smile:

Firstly, note that you passed a single backslash character to ERB.
That’s what the string literal “\” creates.

ERB compiled it to the following Ruby code:

_erbout = ‘’; _erbout.concat “\”; _erbout

which just appends a single backslash to _erbout, which is what you

However, IRB displays the returned string from using
String#inspect, so it is turned into a double-quoted string. This means:

  1. A " is added to the start and end of the string
  2. Any " within the string is displayed as "
  3. Any \ within the string is displayed as \

In other words, String#inspect turns a string into a Ruby string literal

  • something that you could paste directly into IRB. Try it:

str = “_erbout = ‘’; _erbout.concat “\\”; _erbout”
puts str

That will show you the actual contents of str, which is the Ruby code I
pasted above.



You could simplify your code if you rewrote to use the block form of
gsub anyway.

Try this:

----- 8< -------------------------------------------------
require ‘rubygems’
require ‘uv’
require ‘redcloth’

text =
text.gsub!(/#>code((\S+))(.+?)#>code/m) do
“” +
Uv.parse($2, ‘xhtml’, $1, false, ‘twilight’) +

h1. Some code

puts “Hello world!\n”
puts “Hello\one backslash”

h1. The end
----- 8< -------------------------------------------------


Some code

puts "Hello 
puts "Hello\\one backslash"

The end

Try this:

require ‘rubygems’
require ‘uv’
require ‘redcloth’

text =
text.gsub!(/#>code((\S+))(.+?)#>code/m) do
“” +
Uv.parse($2, ‘xhtml’, $1, false, ‘twilight’) +

h1. Some code

puts “Hello world!\n”
puts “Hello\one backslash”

h1. The end

thanks again, it worked like a treat, in 1/2 the lines

:slight_smile: I was just reading on them, well I wont forget this mistake quickly.

The easy solution is to use the block form of sub instead.

puts “abc”.sub(/b/) { “\\” }

yep worked like a gem :smiley:

You could simplify your code if you rewrote to use the block form of
gsub anyway.

I’m having to loop through the code blocks in order to parse the syntax
with Uv anyway. though that while I was in the loop I may as replace
each code block as its parsed.

thanks for your effort, you’ve been a great help.