Phil Cooper-king wrote:
Hopefully it’s clear from the above
yes, thanks you.
So try your test case again:
(1) Use the / END to get the test source in
(2) Use ‘puts’ and not ‘dump’ to see clearly what you have
data_read =
string = "\\"
So in this program, ‘data_read’ contains two backslash characters; and
‘string’ contains a single backslash character.
That looks correct to me - HTML doesn’t need a backslash to be escaped.
So now add Uv into your test to see if that is munging the backslashes.
although I have no idea how to treat a string as a file.
A string is just a string. In ruby 1.8 it’s a sequence of bytes; in ruby
1.9 it’s a sequence of characters. But that doesn’t matter here; a
backslash is a backslash, and is both a single character and a single
byte in either ASCII or UTF-8.
However if you enter a string literal in a ruby program (or in IRB),
then it is parsed with backslash escaping rules to turn it into an
actual String object. For example:
a = “abc\ndef”
b = ‘abc\ndef’
string ‘a’ contains 7 characters (a,b,c,newline,d,e,f), whereas string b
contains 8 characters (a,b,c,backslash,n,d,e,f). This is because there
are different escaping rules for double-quoted and single-quoted
In a single-quoted string literal, ’ is a single quote, and \ is a
backslash, and everything else is treated literally, so \n is two
characters \ and n.
In a double-quoted string literal, " is a double quote, \n is a
newline, \ is a backslash, and there’s a whole load of other expansion
including #{…} for expression interpolation and #@… for instance
variable substitution.
erb results are similar, which I would have though was be happening in
rails anyway"\").src
=> “_erbout = ‘’; _erbout.concat “\\”; _erbout”
Now you’re just scaring yourself with backslash escaping
Firstly, note that you passed a single backslash character to ERB.
That’s what the string literal “\” creates.
ERB compiled it to the following Ruby code:
_erbout = ‘’; _erbout.concat “\”; _erbout
which just appends a single backslash to _erbout, which is what you
However, IRB displays the returned string from using
String#inspect, so it is turned into a double-quoted string. This means:
- A " is added to the start and end of the string
- Any " within the string is displayed as "
- Any \ within the string is displayed as \
In other words, String#inspect turns a string into a Ruby string literal
- something that you could paste directly into IRB. Try it:
str = “_erbout = ‘’; _erbout.concat “\\”; _erbout”
puts str
That will show you the actual contents of str, which is the Ruby code I
pasted above.