Hi there,
I’m teaching myself RoR, and I’ve found myself on this forum a fair few
times when looking for solutions to problems.
I’ve also found many other sites with help forums and tutorials as well.
This may seem like a petulant request, but please for the love of all
things holy, can people stop using foo and bar in code demos and
tutorials please?
It may be because I’m very new to this and I have to work through every
step one by one, but I can’t help being reminded of those IQ test
questions e.g:
“All Blobs are Zweezils, and some Zweezils are BoingBoings, does this
mean all Blobs are BoingsBoings?”
I’m guessing the nerdier among you felt the need to figure that one out.
But if I’d written:
"All RoR developers are nerds; some nerds are uncomfortable in social
situations. Does this mean all RoR developers are uncomfortable in
social situations?
I assume most of you made sense of that immediately and came up with the
answer ‘no’.
Using Foo and Bar, just seems to add another level of mental processing
to go through before you can start grasping the concepts of what’s being
I appreciate that sometimes, real world examples might make it more
complicated if the words/variable names being used seem to overlap with
what might be Ruby code (to a newbie at least).
Can I just ask for a little bit of imagination when giving examples
(Sorry to come on here and rant in my first ever post, I just figured
this would be a good place to get it seen - I hope I’m not alone in my