‘Fossil fuels are
for facile fools …’.
As Dr. Nick of the Simpsons Sez :
Hi Everybody !
A couple of months ago (actually, around March 12th I asked
a bunch of questions about what were the then most current versions of
Ruby on Rails and ancillary tools that are intended to work with Ruby
and Ruby
on Rails.
Unfortunately, I was unable to begin my 1st Rails project
at that time as other areas of my life demanded my immediate attention
other things, I buy and sell gold, silver, platinum & palladium bullion.
case you haven’t noticed the US dollar has most likely begun its
terminal swan
dive into that dark, necrotic night of All-American fiduciary oblivion
consequently both gold & silver are poised to shortly go through the
So, once again, I’m about to start my 1st Ruby on Rails (Rails)
development project.
But before I start asking a whole bunch of new questions I’d like to
belatedly thank everyone who responded to my last series of questions.
Specifically, I’d like to thank :
Frederick C. of Cambridge
Adam F.
Scott T.
Michael Nutt
Jonathan S. Katz
Dean H.
I’d like to thank you one and all for taking the time to reply to my
I’d also like to apologize to you one and all for taking so long to
get back to you and acknowledge your kindness and consideration in
replying to
my questions.
It’s been 2 months since I asked my questions (and, I might add, got
your very helpful and informative responses) so I figure, given that
seem to be moving fairly rapidly forward in the Ruby and the Ruby on
world, I need to ask the same set of questions again.
But, this time I’ll incorporate the helpful information the above
mentioned folks supplied me the last time I asked this set of questions.
So, enough with all the preliminary blather and palaver, and let’s
move on to the questions.
The development platform I’ll be using is a Mac running 10.5 (i.e. :
So, here was the 1st question :
- What is the most recent, stable version of Ruby ?
According to my set of respondents, as of the middle of March (beware
the Ides of March, noble Caesar) the most current version of Ruby was :
– 1.9.1 .
Is this still true or has 1.9.1 been supplanted by a more recent
version ?
And, the next question :
- What is the most recent, stable version of Ruby on Rails ?
As of March 15th,
the most stable recent version of Rails was 2.2.2 although 2.3 was
Is this still true
And 3 :
- Do the 2 versions work together comfortably or are there

compatibility issues that I need to be aware of ?
Back then the
answer was :
Ruby 1.8.7 works
with Rails 2.2.2 and Ruby 1.9.1 works with Rails 2.3 .
Is this still true
or has the situation changed yet again ?
And 4 :
- What is the best version of MySQL I should be using bearing in mind
the answers to questions 1,2 & 3 above ?
The consensus was
that either MySQL 5.0.x or 5.1.x would work although both versions have
issues but the issues in each case are not precisely the same.
Has this situation changed
since the middle of March ?
And 5.
What Application Server would you recommend I use for this project
Different people
had different preferences. Among those mentioned were :• Mongrel
• thin
• Apache with
Passenger (aka mod Rails)
• mod rails
So, I guess my
question here is has anyone’s suggestions/preferences regarding which
server they prefer changed ? Are there any new ones that you might feel
better or easier to work with than
the ones mentioned above?
And 6 :
- What source code editor do you recommend I use ? By the way, I’ve

been using TextWrangler from Bare Bones Software (version 2.2.1 (186 -
- and I’ve been pretty happy with it.
Most people here seemed to be pretty happy with
Myself, I’m using TextWrangler, mainly because I’m pretty short on
cash these days. I should also
mention that it’s pretty good. And, the price (i.e. : free) sure can’t
be beat,
unless you started giving me money.
And, finally, I have an additional question.
I’m working on a Macintosh running Leopard (i.e. : Mac OSX 10.5.7).
This means that I’ve got to install a whole bunch of stuff
on my machine. And, what’s more I have to make sure that all the
versions of
each one of these tools is the correct one and can work together with
all the
other pieces of the development environment.
The folks that sent me advice and suggestions included 2 separate
suggestions on the best way to go about installing all this stuff.
One guy wrote and suggested that I use the Hive Logic article. In case
you’re wondering that’s the article entitled :
Installing Ruby, Rubygems,
Rails, and Mongrel on Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard)
The earl for that article is :
Now, I’ve used an earlier version of that article to install that set
of tools on Tiger (i.e. Mac OSX 10.4) and it worked out quite well.
Another guy wrote in with the suggestion that I use “MacPorts†to get
started quickly.
Unfortunately he didn’t provide an earl for MacPorts but I suppose
that MacPorts is most likely something like the Hive article and is an
alternative way of getting up and running for Ruby & Rails on the Mac.
Does anybody have any more information about MacPorts ?
Does anybody have any opinion on the relative merits (and, I suppose
demerits) of the HiveLogic approach as opposed to MacPorts ?
And, finally, it’s my understanding that Macs running Leopard come
with both Ruby and Rails already installed on them.
So, my questions regarding that situation are as follows :
What version of Ruby does a Mac running Leopard have
installed on it ?
2. What version of Rails does a Mac running Leopard
have installed on it ?
3. Where are they ?
4. Will the presence of preinstalled versions of Ruby
& Rails on Macs running Leopard cause any problems if I try to use
the HiveLogic or the MacPorts approach to getting up and running using
the Ruby
on Rails environment ?
Well, I’d like to thank everyone for their patience in reading this
rather long and plaintive email.
There was a lot to say.
So, if any of you have any useful and helpful advice regarding any of
the questions I’ve asked in this email then please don’t hesitate to
send me
your replies.
And …I’d like to thank all of you in advance for your help.
Comme toujours, here is my contact information :
[email protected]
All the best & talk to you soon … Simon.