Anybody know of a step through debugger for jruby?
It looks like you can use the pure ruby version:
jruby --debug -rdebug go.rb
but what do people out there use besides that?
Anybody know of a step through debugger for jruby?
It looks like you can use the pure ruby version:
jruby --debug -rdebug go.rb
but what do people out there use besides that?
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Roger P. wrote:
Anybody know of a step through debugger for jruby?
It looks like you can use the pure ruby version:
jruby --debug -rdebug go.rb
but what do people out there use besides that?
I use Aptana/RadRails, which is far from perfect, but works well enough
to muddle through. You need to install the Java ruby-debug-base and
ruby-debug-ide gems from if you
haven’t done so already. The biggest problem is that the
local-variables pane will occasionally lose its connection to reality,
forcing you to delete and re-add it to see the frame-local variables
At the time I tested IDEs, ActiveState Komodo did not appear to support
JRuby, and RubyMine’s debugger did very strange things (like stepping to
a choice of line and file apparently chosen completely at random). I
didn’t spend much time with NetBeans because of other issues, not the
debugger. I’m on Windows, so probably get a worse experience than most.
hope this helps, Chris Jeris
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James A. wrote:
Any command liners out there?
Any command liners out there?
What is the state of jruby command line debug? I just tried it with
RVM using jruby 1.4.0 (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 174)
The ruby-debug gem fails to install because it is native (and no java
Does command line debugging work under Jruby, and if so, are there any
up-to-date docs/tutorials?
– Chad
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Roger P. wrote:
Anybody know of a step through debugger for jruby?
but what do people out there use besides that?
Eclipse & Netbeans.
Eclipse is OK, but can’t hold a candle compared to Netbeans.
I usually fire up Netbeans when I make more complicated ruby stuff since
the ruby support in that IDE is great and not just a shaky bolt-on,
which is the feeling when using RDT for Eclipse.
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On Fri, Feb 5, 2010 at 3:41 PM, Christopher Jeris
[email protected]wrote:
debugger. I’m on Windows, so probably get a worse experience than most.
I use netbeans a lot, and I find it really levels the playing field on
dont do a lot of debugging, so I cant comment on how useful that is.
At 12:25 PM -0700 2/5/10, Chad W. wrote:
Any command liners out there?
What is the state of jruby command line debug? I just tried it with
RVM using jruby 1.4.0 (ruby 1.8.7 patchlevel 174)
See the wiki page:
For the debug gem is included as part of the source for 1.5.0dev – I
think it is included in jruby-complete.jar for 1.5.0dev but am not sure.
The ruby-debug gem fails to install because it is native (and no java platform).
Does command line debugging work under Jruby, and if so, are there any
up-to-date docs/tutorials?
I use command line debugging all the time with JRuby – it works great.
I’ve also installed rdebug-ide and when I need more support than I can
get just using command line debugging I hook up trdebug-ide to hook up
programs I start in the command line to a remote debugging Ruby session
Here’s an example where I am debugging a ruby program that uses
activerecord called ar_to_xml.rb – I start the debugging session in a
$ jruby --debug -S rdebug-ide -p 7000 --stop – ar_to_xml.rb
I’m telling rdebug-ide to communicate over port 7000 with whatever IDE
is listening there and to stop after starting and wait for the IDE
debugging system to tell the program to continue. Everything after the
‘–’ is used to tell rdebug what to run.
After starting the ruby program I switch to NetBeans and start the ruby
debugger by selecting the menu: “Debug::AttachDebugger …” and then
selecting the “Ruby Debugger (ruby-debug-ide)” from the list.
I can set breakpoints, watch statements, etc in NB at any level and NB
will remember these the subsequent times I run the ruby program.
Martin K. describe more about this here:
Debuuging JRuby itself:
When I am debugging JRuby’s java code I use Eclipse and a class I wrote
called JRubyRunner. The key here is that to run theEclipse Java debugger
I need to be in a project that has a “Java perspective” from the Eclipse
point of view (theprojectthat has the class JRubyRunner meets that
qualification) but … in order to startup JRuby to investigate a bug or
new featureI am adding I need to start a Ruby program. Using JRubyRunner
I can select a Ruby file anywhere in my Eclipse workspaceand runit with
JRubyRunner and if I run it with the Eclipse debugger and breakpoints I
can now easily get right into JRub’s java codeto see what’s going on.
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Well, Roger, do you want to make the first stab at hooking this up to
Redcar or shall I?
You probably can start on it since I’ll probably still be using
1.9+rdebug for awhile (except for when I hack on redcar itself–then
I’ll probably use the debugger now…I realize my attempt to get it to
work was apparently my own ineptitude). My next redcar plugin “might”
be one that wraps a popen and outputs it/takes input…that could be
That is useful, thanks.
Well, Roger, do you want to make the first stab at hooking this up to
Redcar or shall I?
Daniel L.
On 8 Feb 2010, at 06:29, Stephen B. wrote:
The ruby-debug gem fails to install because it is native (and no java platform).
$ jruby --debug -S rdebug-ide -p 7000 --stop – ar_to_xml.rbDebuuging JRuby itself:
When I am debugging JRuby’s java code I use Eclipse and a class I wrote called JRubyRunner. The key here is that to run theEclipse Java debugger I need to be in a project that has a “Java perspective” from the Eclipse point of view (theprojectthat has the class JRubyRunner meets that qualification) but … in order to startup JRuby to investigate a bug or new featureI am adding I need to start a Ruby program. Using JRubyRunner I can select a Ruby file anywhere in my Eclipse workspaceand runit with JRubyRunner and if I run it with the Eclipse debugger and breakpoints I can now easily get right into JRub’s java codeto see what’s going on.
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Hi Roger,
Did you make sure to include --debug option?
jruby --debug -S …
I’ve noticed the line numbers being messed up when I’ve accidentally
left this option off.
On Feb 13, 2010, at 2:27 PM, Roger P. wrote:
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jruby --debug -S …
I’ve noticed the line numbers being messed up when I’ve accidentally
left this option off.
Today it seems to be working like a champ. Dunno what the problem
was…maybe I was stepping through a file with mixed “\n” and “\r\n”
line endings or something odd like that.
Anyway, without --debug it appears to still debug, it just steps “into”
everything instead of “over” (i.e. it’s like “next” means “step”
with --debug next seems to work as expected.
Thanks for the tip!
See the wiki page:
I use command line debugging all the time with JRuby – it works great.
For me using those libs ruby-debug doesn’t show the lines right–they’re
mangled together or not the right line number. At least I am a bit
closer. Hmm…
On Fri, Feb 19, 2010 at 3:57 PM, Roger P. [email protected]
Today it seems to be working like a champ. Â Dunno what the problem
was…maybe I was stepping through a file with mixed “\n” and “\r\n”
line endings or something odd like that.Anyway, without --debug it appears to still debug, it just steps “into”
everything instead of “over” (i.e. it’s like “next” means “step”
with --debug next seems to work as expected.
FWIW, JRuby 1.5 will preinstall ruby-debug. Snapshots already do.
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