I need a little help with a step by step of Ruby.
How I should I begin?
How did you start?
What was the biggest problem you’ve ran into?
What is the point of Ruby?
How does it all transfer to Rails?
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 7:51 PM, Mathew S. [email protected]
I need a little help with a step by step of Ruby.
How I should I begin?
Where are you starting from? How much programming experience do you
How did you start?
I started with the Rubykoans by EdgeCase. It was a good way to learn the
syntax and the good parts.
What was the biggest problem you’ve ran into?
It was hard to understand some of the common practices. However, after
reading “Eloquent Ruby” and “Design Patterns in Ruby”, I have learned a
What is the point of Ruby?
idk if there is a real point to it.
How does it all transfer to Rails?
Rails is an entirely separate language within ruby. I suggest you get
proficient in Ruby before you touch rails. It will make more sense in
long run.
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Isaac S.
Intern @ 2Checkout.com
Thank you very much both of you.
I’m starting from rock bottom btw so yeah.
I have been trying rails before Ruby and get confused VERY easily with
the whole language so Yeah thank you very much!
OH crap forgot to ask… Is there anything else I should use for making
an app?
I would suggest checking out Chris P.'s book Learn to Program. It is a
book in ruby that will definitely help. After learning some of the
of ruby and running ruby programs from the command line (terminals and
command prompts), then you should give the RubyKoans
http://rubykoans.com/a try. They are a great way to get started. If
you ever have any questions,
make sure to post it here, so that others can help.
Best of Luck!
On Fri, Nov 25, 2011 at 9:30 PM, Mathew S.
[email protected]wrote:
Thank you very much both of you.
I’m starting from rock bottom btw so yeah.
I have been trying rails before Ruby and get confused VERY easily with
the whole language so Yeah thank you very much!–
Posted via http://www.ruby-forum.com/.
Isaac S.
Software Apprentice
hi Mathew,
How I should I begin?
think of something you want to make…
How did you start?
i wanted to make an audio player that suited MY needs…
What was the biggest problem you’ve ran into?
it wasn’t easy. i began with next to no programming experience…
What is the point of Ruby?
i believe that the point of Ruby is beauty and eloquence. think of
something you really want to do, and then begin to find ways to do it -
otherwise it’s all meaningless. maybe you want to make a baseball
scorecard, an army of starmonkeys, or a peanut parer. it doesn’t
matter… the thing is that without a goal in mind nothing will sink
start simple. at first, think of some inane goals to achieve, and
reach them - you won’t believe how satisfying it is. make a program
that prints the lyrics to ‘99 bottles of beer on the wall’ or one that
converts numbers represented in base 10 to numbers represented in base
5, 16, or balanced ternary.
fool around and have fun - i think that might really be the ‘point’ of
if you haven’t already, check these out:
my personal favorite, and what really got me going with ruby, the
‘poignant guide’ : http://mislav.uniqpath.com/poignant-guide/
the ‘pragmatic guide’ was also very helpful for me:
there are many more good tutorials and manuals, just look around…
good luck, have fun!