Stats directory - where did it come from?


One bright sunny day I noticed a new directory “stats” in my project
root. It seems to include a copy of the project structure(?!). Why is it
there? do I really need it?


[***] du -s * | sort -n
8 Rakefile
24 components
48 vendor
64 lib
168 tmp
184 config
456 script
664 test
1112 doc
1704 db
1856 stats
2016 app
3208 log
4328 public

[***] ls stats/
CHANGELOG Rakefile components db lib
public test
README app config doc log
script vendor

Alan wrote:

2016 app
3208 log
4328 public

[***] ls stats/
CHANGELOG Rakefile components db lib
public test
README app config doc log
script vendor

Is it possible that you did rails stats instead of rake stats ? That
would have created a new rails project within a stats folder instead of
outputting the current project stats