I’ve been a little slow to hitch onto the ‘gem’ and ‘rake’
train, but I’m creating a new ruby C extension I’d like to
release as a gem.
The tools I’m familiar with are mkmf.rb and setup.rb.
I’ve gotten the sense that mkmf.rb may still be used, but
that setup.rb may have been replaced by some more powerful
rake-based automatic gem building solution?
Anyway, any tips, hints, or links would be appreciated!
On Fri, Oct 26, 2007 at 03:22:32PM +0900, Bill K. wrote:
rake-based automatic gem building solution?
Anyway, any tips, hints, or links would be appreciated!
Check out hoe! It lets you create rake files which will build your
gems, post to rubyforge, and other fun stuff. Just make sure you’ve got
an extconf.rb in your ext directory.
If you want to see a working example, my icanhasaudio gem is a native
extension that uses hoe.