State machine in ruby

So I’m refactoring a very ugly piece of client code that needs to
implement some fairly complicated error correction over a line based
tcp protocol. There are about 10 different error scenarios I have to
detect and respond differently to. Think error correction over serial
lines, that’s actually where this was derived from and now it’s
layered over a tcp connection. Most of the scenarios involve several
back and forth messages between client and host. Most of the
scenarios are very similar, so if you think of it as a tree I might
not know what scenario I am dealing with until I’ve gotten 2-3 levels
deep, and at any point in the tree I need to know where I am and what
the possible branches are I can take based on the next response from
the host.

Any suggestions on how to implement this cleanly?


snacktime [email protected] wrote:

the possible branches are I can take based on the next response from
the host.

Any suggestions on how to implement this cleanly?

It seems you have answered it in the subject already, don’t you? One
solution came to mind, something like a decision tree when you mentioned
that you need several steps to determine what’s going on. A bit like a
expert system. Only 0.01 EUR today…

Kind regards


snacktime wrote:

So I’m refactoring a very ugly piece of client code that needs to
implement some fairly complicated error correction over a line based
tcp protocol. There are about 10 different error scenarios I have to
detect and respond differently to. Think error correction over serial
lines, that’s actually where this was derived from and now it’s
layered over a tcp connection. Most of the scenarios involve several
back and forth messages between client and host. Most of the
scenarios are very similar, so if you think of it as a tree I might
not know what scenario I am dealing with until I’ve gotten 2-3 levels
deep, and at any point in the tree I need to know where I am and what
the possible branches are I can take based on the next response from
the host.

Any suggestions on how to implement this cleanly?


For clues to a possible approach, look at the HTTP client implementation
in EventMachine. Sync to SCM, and it’s in version_0/lib/protocols.

You can get as crazy with this kind of thing as you want, but if your
requirements are simple you can get away with a variable that indicates
the current protocol state. Then a simple case statement will constrain
your possible paths. It’s quite rare for a network protocol to be more
complicated than that. But if yours is, consider using a LALR(1)

snacktime wrote:

the possible branches are I can take based on the next response from
the host.

Any suggestions on how to implement this cleanly?

A state machine is fundamentally a set of states with associated
actions (if any) and transitions. A transition consists of a criteria
and a state to transition to. How you model that depends on how much
flexibility you need. If the state machine is fairly fixed you could
just as well implement it as a class. Something like this for example:

class StateMachine
def initialize
@state = :some_state # Starting state of the machine


def some_state
# Carry out actions for this state here.

 result = :foo  # Just a dummy result

 # Transitions:

 case result
 when :foo : @state = :some_other_state
 # more transitions ...

 else @state = :stop


def some_other_state
# Action goes here
# Transition
@state = :stop

Doesn’t have to do this, but it might be

nice to have a simple way of passing data

between the state machine and a block.

Perhaps use the block to do any IO etc.

so the state machine doesn’t need to know

anything about it’s environment

def each
while @state != :stop
send @state
yield self,@state
end { |sm,state| p state }

If you need something more dynamic, it would be easy enough to store
the transitions in a Hash of hash’es { :state_1 => {
:transition_criteria_1 => :state_2, :transition_criteria_2 => :state_3
} }.


Some quick examples of what I’m dealing with. There are about 10
error scenarios in all, this is just a couple.


POS System
Data Host
Dial/Wait for ENQ







… additional queued transactions …



500 Millisecond delay

Errors Due to Non-verified LRC
A transmission in which the host does not calculate the same LRC as
received from the POS system may
be depicted as follows:
POS System First Data Host
Dial/Wait for ENQ






Timeout Errors
A transmission in which the POS system sends the message and does not
receive a positive or negative
acknowledgment, but receives another valid control character within
sixty seconds may be depicted as
POS System First Data Host

STX/MESSAGE/ETX/LRC/Wait Up to 60 Seconds





  • If the POS system should receive an ENQ from the host, it should
    re-send the message. Error logic for
    this specific scenario can be quite tricky; the ACK preceding the ENQ
    could easily be seen as the
    acknowledgment for the request message. Therefore, the POS system
    should recognize an ENQ
    immediately following as an indication that the First Data host did
    not receive the request message, and
    re-send. Results may vary.

On 9/8/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

     transition 'emptying', 'full' => 'empty'



Reading this, I kept trying to figure out how this is different from
plain old yacc, then I realized you have no lookahead capability. What
kind of situations have you used this in? I don’t understand Chris’
example enough yet to decide if it constitutes a regular language or
something more.

Mechanically dealing with comms protocols is a pretty interesting
subject, although in general the more recent ones aren’t terribly
complicated. (The practical subset of HTTP isn’t bad; SIP isn’t bad;
SMTP is a bear; XML is ambiguous in at two places I know of.) I often
end up just writing recursive-descent parsers that expose their
internal state and use a pushback buffer so they can be restarted.

sorry not to include orig message - the text was totally fubar and hosed


this is incomplete, but i made a little finite state machine lib and
dsl. it
even includes tools to vizualize if you have dot installed. it’s here

an example

 harp:~ > cat a.rb

 require 'fsm'

 FSM.system do

     states %w( empty full )
     transition 'filling', 'empty' => 'full'
     transition 'emptying', 'full' => 'empty'

     on_entry 'empty' do
       puts 'became empty.'

       transition 'empty', 'filling' do
         puts 'filling...'
         sleep 1

     on_entry 'full' do
       puts 'became full.'

       transition 'full', 'emptying' do
         puts 'emptying...'
         sleep 1



 harp:~ > ruby a.rb
 became empty.
 became full.
 became empty.
 became full.
 became empty.

sorry, no docs yet :wink:


Ya I hesitated to post that as it was pretty hard to read. You can
actually read the spec at It’s the Visa
protocol. Not that you would want to, but that’s an easier way to see
it if you do.

What’s really scary though is my original implementation of this from
9 years ago in perl that uses modems.

On 9/8/06, snacktime [email protected] wrote:

So I’m refactoring a very ugly piece of client code that needs to
implement some fairly complicated error correction over a line based
tcp protocol.

Give a look


On 9/8/06, snacktime [email protected] wrote:

Dial/Wait for ENQ



Chris, unless I’m missing something, this seems like a very simple
I’m sure you left out some stuff like the end-state signalling, the
kisses, etc. But there aren’t very many state transitions here. At first
glance it looks like a nonpipelined request/response protocol like SMTP
far simpler than SMTP). The only confusing thing here is the 60-second
timeout. If the server doesn’t respond to a request for 60 seconds, is
client supposed to assume that the server will never send a response?
is there some correlation built into the requests and responses so the
client can later recognize a delayed or out-of-order response?

On 9/8/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

this is incomplete, but i made a little finite state machine lib and
dsl. it
even includes tools to vizualize if you have dot installed. it’s here

Ugh. This is what sucks about hanging out with all you smart people, you
guys have got me thinking about this now. Ara, you’re talking about a
processor here, but have you thought about augmenting it to handle
context-free grammars? Ideally I’d like to be able to define protocols
textually, in BNF-like or yacc-like form. And given that text,
generate a state machine that would be restartable so it could be
event-driven. And the scanner would be pretty funky too, it would have
to be
able to generate a token that means “not enough input to scan a complete
token, go to sleep now.”

I’ve just been in the middle of implementing AMQP the old-fashioned way
hand) so this is timely.

On Sat, 9 Sep 2006, Francis C. wrote:

Reading this, I kept trying to figure out how this is different from plain
old yacc, then I realized you have no lookahead capability. What kind of
situations have you used this in?

reprocessing 30 satellite years of data from a tape archive… there
several steps that are async and, though it may not be obvious from the
examples, the fsm class puts every thing in Threads and communcates via

so, basically, it makes it safe for multiple threads to be doing work
directiing their actions via a shared state machine…


On Sat, 9 Sep 2006, Francis C. wrote:

Ugh. This is what sucks about hanging out with all you smart people, you
guys have got me thinking about this now. Ara, you’re talking about a FSM
processor here,

yes. it’s state machine system: the machine and the system to
process it
in an async way…

but have you thought about augmenting it to handle context-free grammars?

nope. but i’d take any and all patches! :wink:

Ideally I’d like to be able to define protocols textually, in BNF-like or
yacc-like form.

seen this

i haven’t used it - looked interesting…

And given that text, mechanically generate a state machine that would be
restartable so it could be event-driven. And the scanner would be pretty
funky too, it would have to be able to generate a token that means “not
enough input to scan a complete token, go to sleep now.”

naw, that’s easy. just do

consumer.q.push token_bits
consumer.q.push token_bits
consumer.q.push token_bits
consumer.q.push token_done

and the consumer is automatically sleeping as tokens arrive partially.

I’ve just been in the middle of implementing AMQP the old-fashioned way (by
hand) so this is timely.

what’s AMQP ??


On 9/9/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

but have you thought about augmenting it to handle context-free

nope. but i’d take any and all patches! :wink:

You’d have to add a parse stack and a lookahead buffer. Might not be
easy, but I’ll take a look if I get a chance.

And given that text, mechanically generate a state machine that would be
restartable so it could be event-driven. And the scanner would be pretty
funky too, it would have to be able to generate a token that means “not
enough input to scan a complete token, go to sleep now.”

naw, that’s easy. just do

You solved that?? Nice.

what’s AMQP ??

Advanced Message Queueing Protocol. Very interesting if you’re into
message-queueing, it’s the evolution of the “amq” that J.P.Morgan has
working on for a couple of years and that you’ve heard periodic rumors
during that time. It’s different because it specifies not only the wire
protocol (which itself is state-of-the-art and worth a look) but also
broker architecture. Needless to say, all the current work has been done
Java, so they need an agile implementation. :slight_smile:

On 9/9/06, [email protected] [email protected] wrote:

what’s AMQP ??

Possibly Advanced Message Queuing Protocol - see
Advanced Message Queuing Protocol - Wikipedia and

(Does anyone here believe in morphic resonance? I’ve just been
researching this and state machines. Spooky.)


On Sun, 10 Sep 2006, Francis C. wrote:

You’d have to add a parse stack and a lookahead buffer. Might not be that
easy, but I’ll take a look if I get a chance.

k. go easy on me. it’s version 0.0.0 :wink:

And given that text, mechanically generate a state machine that would be
restartable so it could be event-driven. And the scanner would be pretty
funky too, it would have to be able to generate a token that means “not
enough input to scan a complete token, go to sleep now.”

naw, that’s easy. just do

You solved that?? Nice.

well - the event part:

 harp:~ > cat a.rb
 require "time"
 require "fsm"

 STDOUT.sync = true
 Thread.abort_on_exception = true

 fsys = FSM.system{
     states %w( a b c )
     transition "a2b", "a" => "b"
     transition "b2c", "b" => "c"
   #start # leave starting state and enter state "a"
   sleep 1
   fsys.start # enters state 'a'
   sleep 1
   fsys.fsm.transition "a", "a2b"
   sleep 1
   fsys.fsm.transition "b", "b2c"
   puts "waiting for state a @ #{ }..." "a"
   puts "state a waited for."

   puts "waiting for state b @ #{ }..." "b"
   puts "state b waited for."

   puts "waiting for state c @ #{ }..." "c"
   puts "state c waited for."

 harp:~ > ruby a.rb
 waiting for state a @ 2006-09-09T14:03:42.527586-06:00...
 state a waited for.
 waiting for state b @ 2006-09-09T14:03:43.537855-06:00...
 state b waited for.
 waiting for state c @ 2006-09-09T14:03:44.547454-06:00...
 state c waited for.

there a lots of other event hooks too. wait_for_once. etc. regarding
special token, that’s easy - there are also hooks for input into the

 harp:~ > cat a.rb
 require "time"
 require "fsm"

 STDOUT.sync = true
 Thread.abort_on_exception = true
 MSGS = and{ loop{ puts MSGS.pop } }
 def t() end
 def p(msg) MSGS.push msg end

 fsys = FSM.system{
     states %w( a b c )
     transition "a2b", "a" => "b"
     transition "b2c", "b" => "c"
     transition "c2a", "c" => "a"

     on_entry do |info|
       p "entry <#{ info.inspect }> @ #{ t }"
     on_input do |*argv|
       p "input <#{ argv.inspect }> @ #{ t }"
   1.times do
     sleep 1
     fsys.input 'A'
     fsys.transition "a", "a2b"
     sleep 1

     sleep 1
     fsys.input 'B'
     fsys.transition "b", "b2c"
     sleep 1

     sleep 1
     fsys.input 'C'
     fsys.transition "c", "c2a"
     sleep 1

 jib:~ > ruby a.rb
 entry <[FSM::Event::Entry, "a", nil]> @ 

input <[[FSM::Event::Input, “a”, “A”]]> @
entry <[FSM::Event::Entry, “b”, nil]> @
input <[[FSM::Event::Input, “b”, “B”]]> @
entry <[FSM::Event::Entry, “c”, nil]> @
input <[[FSM::Event::Input, “c”, “C”]]> @
entry <[FSM::Event::Entry, “a”, nil]> @

so, for the special token, you simply remain in the current state - the
observer is already sleeping :wink:

is this what you are thinking of?

what’s AMQP ??

Advanced Message Queueing Protocol. Very interesting if you’re into
message-queueing, it’s the evolution of the “amq” that J.P.Morgan has been
working on for a couple of years and that you’ve heard periodic rumors about
during that time. It’s different because it specifies not only the wire
protocol (which itself is state-of-the-art and worth a look) but also the
broker architecture. Needless to say, all the current work has been done in
Java, so they need an agile implementation. :slight_smile:

learn something every day!



The difficult part is the error correction, at least for me not having
worked with state machines that much. There are several points in the
protocol where an error can occur, and you have to switch states,
handle the error, and then possibly jump back to where you left off if
the error is resolved. Some of the trees go 5-8 levels deep, and most
of them have their own timers which can also decide which state you
transition to next. For the timers, some of them you just disconnect
after a certain time, and some of them are the time to wait before
changing state. For instance if you get an ACK within 3 seconds go to
state A, otherwise state B.

First off I would just like to note a small mathematical congruence…

Every state machine can be replaced by a Thread. ie. Instead of a tangly
state machine, you have a thread sucking on an event queue.

Sometimes I find that really cleans things up.

Now add Ruby Exception classes and rescues into the mix and the picture
can start to get quite rosy.

Another wild off the wall trick I have used with great success several
times in my life…

Translate the events into char’s.

Then an event stream is a string.

Then a Regexp is a very very powerful, terse and expressive way of
recognizing exceedingly complex event streams.

John C. Phone : (64)(3) 358 6639
Tait Electronics Fax : (64)(3) 359 4632
PO Box 1645 Christchurch Email : [email protected]
New Zealand

“We have more to fear from
The Bungling of the Incompetent
Than from the Machinations of the Wicked.” (source unknown)

John C. wrote:

First off I would just like to note a small mathematical congruence…

Every state machine can be replaced by a Thread. ie. Instead of a tangly
state machine, you have a thread sucking on an event queue.

Let me add my 2c. Every program is a state machine. The difference
an ordinary program and what we might call a “state machine” is one of
explicit expression.

Also, the use of threads make the state of the state machine harder to
determine. By using threads, the thread scheduler’s quirks, and every
thread being run, becomes part of the behavior of a particular thread’s
state machine. One might go so far as to say that threads that show any
interaction at all prevent a state machine from being deterministic.

John C. wrote:

Every state machine can be replaced by a Thread.

Eliminating threads is part of the point here. They make certain
operations easier to model but they have all their own baggage,
including scalability problems. I’m not planning to participate if my
comment ignites the one-millionth flame war on this subject, but I will
note that there is a balance to be struck. And threads generally lose
attractiveness as the performance requirements of an application go up.

Then a Regexp is a very very powerful, terse and expressive way of
recognizing exceedingly complex event streams.

A Regexp is only appropriate for an event stream that can be modeled
with a DFA. That does happen to be true of most comm protocols, but
there are exceptions. Some streams require CFGs.