On Sun, 10 Sep 2006, Francis C. wrote:
You’d have to add a parse stack and a lookahead buffer. Might not be that
easy, but I’ll take a look if I get a chance.
k. go easy on me. it’s version 0.0.0
And given that text, mechanically generate a state machine that would be
restartable so it could be event-driven. And the scanner would be pretty
funky too, it would have to be able to generate a token that means “not
enough input to scan a complete token, go to sleep now.”
naw, that’s easy. just do
You solved that?? Nice.
well - the event part:
harp:~ > cat a.rb
require "time"
require "fsm"
STDOUT.sync = true
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
fsys = FSM.system{
states %w( a b c )
transition "a2b", "a" => "b"
transition "b2c", "b" => "c"
#start # leave starting state and enter state "a"
sleep 1
fsys.start # enters state 'a'
sleep 1
fsys.fsm.transition "a", "a2b"
sleep 1
fsys.fsm.transition "b", "b2c"
puts "waiting for state a @ #{ Time.now.iso8601(6) }..."
fsys.observer.wait_for "a"
puts "state a waited for."
puts "waiting for state b @ #{ Time.now.iso8601(6) }..."
fsys.observer.wait_for "b"
puts "state b waited for."
puts "waiting for state c @ #{ Time.now.iso8601(6) }..."
fsys.observer.wait_for "c"
puts "state c waited for."
harp:~ > ruby a.rb
waiting for state a @ 2006-09-09T14:03:42.527586-06:00...
state a waited for.
waiting for state b @ 2006-09-09T14:03:43.537855-06:00...
state b waited for.
waiting for state c @ 2006-09-09T14:03:44.547454-06:00...
state c waited for.
there a lots of other event hooks too. wait_for_once. etc. regarding
special token, that’s easy - there are also hooks for input into the
harp:~ > cat a.rb
require "time"
require "fsm"
STDOUT.sync = true
Thread.abort_on_exception = true
MSGS = Queue.new and Thread.new{ loop{ puts MSGS.pop } }
def t() Time.now.iso8601(6) end
def p(msg) MSGS.push msg end
fsys = FSM.system{
states %w( a b c )
transition "a2b", "a" => "b"
transition "b2c", "b" => "c"
transition "c2a", "c" => "a"
on_entry do |info|
p "entry <#{ info.inspect }> @ #{ t }"
on_input do |*argv|
p "input <#{ argv.inspect }> @ #{ t }"
1.times do
sleep 1
fsys.input 'A'
fsys.transition "a", "a2b"
sleep 1
sleep 1
fsys.input 'B'
fsys.transition "b", "b2c"
sleep 1
sleep 1
fsys.input 'C'
fsys.transition "c", "c2a"
sleep 1
jib:~ > ruby a.rb
entry <[FSM::Event::Entry, "a", nil]> @
input <[[FSM::Event::Input, “a”, “A”]]> @
entry <[FSM::Event::Entry, “b”, nil]> @
input <[[FSM::Event::Input, “b”, “B”]]> @
entry <[FSM::Event::Entry, “c”, nil]> @
input <[[FSM::Event::Input, “c”, “C”]]> @
entry <[FSM::Event::Entry, “a”, nil]> @
so, for the special token, you simply remain in the current state - the
observer is already sleeping
is this what you are thinking of?
what’s AMQP ??
Advanced Message Queueing Protocol. Very interesting if you’re into
message-queueing, it’s the evolution of the “amq” that J.P.Morgan has been
working on for a couple of years and that you’ve heard periodic rumors about
during that time. It’s different because it specifies not only the wire
protocol (which itself is state-of-the-art and worth a look) but also the
broker architecture. Needless to say, all the current work has been done in
Java, so they need an agile implementation.
learn something every day!