

How to get started with nginx ?
Is there some tutorial for Lisp usets ?
What’s the connection between nginx and hunchentoot ?
Why do I get something about nginx when trying to access hunchentoot
mailing list ?



On Tue, Mar 18, 2014 at 8:18 PM, Haris B.h
[email protected]wrote:

How to get started with nginx ?

​First of all, welcome to nginx community :o)​

​All the basic principles can be found there:​
Beginner’s Guide

Is there some tutorial for Lisp usets ?
What’s the connection between nginx and hunchentoot ?
Why do I get something about nginx when trying to access hunchentoot
mailing list ?

​If you have precise questions about configuring ​nginx for specific use
cases, feel free to ask them here.
I dunno what you are talking about.

B. R.