Start mongrel in ssh session and then exit in Ubuntu 10.04

Hi all,

I’m deploying a Rails application in a Ubuntu 10.04 server with
mongrel web server. I connect to server and do stuffs in a ssh client
(PuTTY). And I’m getting stuck with a strange issue:

  1. After I connected to server, I start mongrel with : $ start-stop-
    daemon -S -d . -x script/server -b – -p 8080
  2. I left the ssh console and launch firefox from my Win7 box and open
    the website, it runs well. I can see the homepage
  3. I go back to the ssh console. Close the terminal (and window too)
    it by : $ exit
  4. Then in firefox, I press F5 to refresh and nothing shows up. It’s
    just an empty space in whole webpage. I tried to use addon to capture
    the HTTP data and see that the server returns nothing , even HTTP

I thought that using start-stop-daemon command could help me run
mongrel as daemon and then I can exit my session just as apache does.
But it doesn’t work.

Do I miss something ?


Updated the message with two more steps

  1. I connect to server again, run “ps -Af” to check and see that the
    process’s still running. And again, leave the console, switch to
    firefox and refresh -> the homepage shows everything.
  2. But if I exit the ssh session and refresh browser, the web server
    returns nothing again

Quoting Duy L. [email protected]:

it by : $ exit
4. Then in firefox, I press F5 to refresh and nothing shows up. It’s
just an empty space in whole webpage. I tried to use addon to capture
the HTTP data and see that the server returns nothing , even HTTP

I thought that using start-stop-daemon command could help me run
mongrel as daemon and then I can exit my session just as apache does.
But it doesn’t work.

Possible workaround, ssh into server, at shell type “screen”, hit space
start server, type control-A control-D to detach from screen, logout of
session. Later you can log in and type “screen -r” to resume the screen

I also find this very useful for long operations on remote systems that
lose the connection (e.g. dialup and wifi).
