Stamping my own timestamp

Is there a way to “touch” a file with a time stamp of my own choosing,
in other words, not the “now” time? I’ve got a bunch of files that have
been inadvertently “touched” time-wise, and I need them to have truer
time stamps, from a month or so ago.


2007/7/16, Peter B. [email protected]:

Is there a way to “touch” a file with a time stamp of my own choosing,
in other words, not the “now” time? I’ve got a bunch of files that have
been inadvertently “touched” time-wise, and I need them to have truer
time stamps, from a month or so ago.

e.g. FileUtils.touch(“foo”, :mtime =>


Robert K. wrote:

2007/7/16, Peter B. [email protected]:

Is there a way to “touch” a file with a time stamp of my own choosing,
in other words, not the “now” time? I’ve got a bunch of files that have
been inadvertently “touched” time-wise, and I need them to have truer
time stamps, from a month or so ago.

e.g. FileUtils.touch(“foo”, :mtime =>


Thanks. But, this is what I get when I try that. Doesn’t the “”
give it the time of right now?

irb(main):003:0> FileUtils.touch(file, :mtime =>
ArgumentError: no such option: mtime
from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/FileUtils.rb:1424:in
fu_check_options' from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/1.8/FileUtils.rb:1009:in touch’
from (irb):3

2007/7/16, Peter B. [email protected]:

    from (irb):3

Works for me:

irb(main):003:0> FileUtils.touch “f”, :mtime =>
=> [“f”]
irb(main):004:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> “1.8.6”
irb(main):005:0> File.mtime “f”
=> Mon Jul 16 15:52:06 +0200 2007

Alternatively you can try to use File.utime().

Kind regards


Robert K. wrote:

2007/7/16, Peter B. [email protected]:

    from (irb):3

Works for me:

irb(main):003:0> FileUtils.touch “f”, :mtime =>
=> [“f”]
irb(main):004:0> RUBY_VERSION
=> “1.8.6”
irb(main):005:0> File.mtime “f”
=> Mon Jul 16 15:52:06 +0200 2007

Alternatively you can try to use File.utime().

Kind regards


Thanks, Robert. That particular thing just doesn’t work for me, but, I’m
intrigued by File.utime. I read about it a bit and I think it might do
the trick. Thanks a lot!