Stable Production Environment on Unix/Linux


I wonder what would be the most stable production runtime environment
for a
rails application on Unix/Linux. I am not very fond of FastCGI indeed,
it’s not seen any further developement lately.

What are your experiences e.g. with the mongrel server? Has anybody used
it for

What are the alternatives?

May be some fine lad could just point me to web site dealing with real
production examples.


Michael K.

lighttpd and fcgi will probably give you the best performance at the

Some people are proxying mongrel behind lighty, butI have not tried this
in production

On Thursday, March 30, 2006, at 8:56 AM, Michael K. wrote:


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Michael K. wrote:

What are your experiences e.g. with the mongrel server? Has anybody used
it for

I’m now using the latest version of Mongrel (0.3.12) in production, and
so far - after about two days - it’s holding up fine; just as well as
scgi, but it performs better. Previous versions of Mongrel didn’t work
for me in production, but with the latest I haven’t experienced any of
the prior problems.

I also have a site using fastcgi, but it’s slower, especially when it
hasn’t been accessed for a while.


You dont’t happen to use apache by any chance?

Yeah, I use Apache on another server. As with Lighty, it can also easily
proxy requests to Mongrel (which I haven’t gotten around to doing on
that server - it currently uses scgi). I don’t know how proxy load
balancing - like can be done with Lighty - would be done, but it must be


Joe wrote:

I don’t know how proxy load
balancing - like can be done with Lighty - would be done, but it must be

Apache 2.2 has mod_proxy_balancer.

“This module requires the service of mod_proxy. It provides load
balancing support for HTTP, FTP and AJP13 protocols”.

Well, I am stuck with apache for the time being :frowning: