Ssh-tunnel into website nginx strips out port number in response

Same post is made here:

But I will make a shorter version (as much as possible)

I want to be able to ssh-tunnel into my Django website, so I can work
remotely. I’ve tested a simple Django project on my personal computer,
very simple nginx configuration (starter, default). I tunnel and
redirection returns with port number as part of the url. So I am sure
is not a Django problem. It’s mainly my nginx configuration.

Relevant code:

server {

# the forum service runs as local, listens to 8000 port...
proxy_pass http://localhost:8000;
proxy_redirect default;

proxy_set_header Host $host;
proxy_set_header X-Real-IP $remote_addr;
proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;


Then I ssh-tunnel, open the browser, http://localhost:1111, and when I
login, or do anything that requires redirection, I get
http://localhost/forum/front-page instead of

These links are wrong, nginx will complain (from the server side) they
not exist.

I’ve tried stuff like

proxy_set_header $host:$server_port; # or
proxy_set_header $proxy_host:$proxy_port; # or
proxy_set_header $host:$proxy_port; # or
rewrite ^(.):(.)/forum(.)$ /$2 last;
#rewrite ^/forum(.
)$ $1 break;
proxy_redirect http://localhost/ http://$host:$proxy_port;

The 2nd proxy_set_header shows a little progress. After pressing submit,
get a blank page, with the original url (http://localhost:1111/post and
then I see the same url again).

Any idea how to resolve my problem? Thanks.


So I came up with a simple solution…as my own answer…

proxy_set_header Host $host;

$host should be replaced with $http_host, although I am not quite sure
the meaning of either.

Posted at Nginx Forum: