I’ve searched with no end for any clue as to why I get the following
SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database: INSERT INTO
estudio_stages (“updated_at”, “estudio_id”, “created_at”, “stage_id”)
VALUES(‘2007-07-23 16:32:42’, 2, ‘2007-07-23 16:32:42’, 4)
…when accesing a certain action in a controller… but if I execute
that SQL code directly in sqlite, or call the appropiate method in my
model from the console, it works!
So what gives?
Thanks for any help!
Ivan V. wrote:
I’ve searched with no end for any clue as to why I get the following
SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database: INSERT INTO
estudio_stages (“updated_at”, “estudio_id”, “created_at”, “stage_id”)
VALUES(‘2007-07-23 16:32:42’, 2, ‘2007-07-23 16:32:42’, 4)
…when accesing a certain action in a controller… but if I execute
that SQL code directly in sqlite, or call the appropiate method in my
model from the console, it works!
So what gives?
Thanks for any help!
For a second there I thought I had a clue… Here’s part of the trace:
log' vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb:132:in
catch_schema_changes' vendor/rails/activerecord/lib/active_record/connection_adapters/sqlite_adapter.rb:132:in
So there’s a method named ‘catch_schema_changes’ in the sqlite adapter,
and I read somewhere that SQLite doesn’t support renaming columns, so I
thought if I deleted and then re-created the schema.rb file then it
might just work (don’t ask me the logic behind such reasoning), but it
Ivan V. wrote:
I’ve searched with no end for any clue as to why I get the following
SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database: INSERT INTO
estudio_stages (“updated_at”, “estudio_id”, “created_at”, “stage_id”)
VALUES(‘2007-07-23 16:32:42’, 2, ‘2007-07-23 16:32:42’, 4)
…when accesing a certain action in a controller… but if I execute
that SQL code directly in sqlite, or call the appropiate method in my
model from the console, it works!
So what gives?
Thanks for any help!
This just gets weirder… If I debug the application with NetBeans and
set a breakpoint on the AR object’s save method to try and see where the
problem might be, I step into a few statements, then NetBeans seem to
not want to step any further, so I press “Continue” to finish the
remaining calls… and then it works…, with no error thrown…
Just now I also tried executing directly with
AR::Base.connection.execute… no luck
Ivan V. wrote:
Ivan V. wrote:
I’ve searched with no end for any clue as to why I get the following
SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database: INSERT INTO
estudio_stages (“updated_at”, “estudio_id”, “created_at”, “stage_id”)
VALUES(‘2007-07-23 16:32:42’, 2, ‘2007-07-23 16:32:42’, 4)
…when accesing a certain action in a controller… but if I execute
that SQL code directly in sqlite, or call the appropiate method in my
model from the console, it works!
So what gives?
Thanks for any help!
This just gets weirder… If I debug the application with NetBeans and
set a breakpoint on the AR object’s save method to try and see where the
problem might be, I step into a few statements, then NetBeans seem to
not want to step any further, so I press “Continue” to finish the
remaining calls… and then it works…, with no error thrown…
Just now I also tried executing directly with
AR::Base.connection.execute… no luck
I dare you to find another hack that can be called the fugliest hack
if ENV["RAILS_ENV"] == "development"
created = Time.now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S')
sql = "INSERT INTO estudio_stages ('updated_at', 'estudio_id',
‘created_at’, ‘stage_id’) VALUES(’#{created}’, #{self.id}, ‘#{created}’,
a = %x[sqlite3 #{RAILS_ROOT}/db/development.db “#{sql}”]
self.stages.build :stage_id => s.id