SQLite and ruby

i need to convert three fields of a SQLite db :

lastName, firstName, fullLastName

the conversion is a capitalisation ie :

dupond, jules, dupondjules

needs to become :

Dupond, Jules, DupondJules

i now how to capitalize with ruby but i’ve never use ruby with SQLite.

what should i install, as a gem for example, in order to play with such
a database ?

what should i install, as a gem for example, in order to play with such
a database ?

If you have the sqlite3 libs installed, you can install the sqlite3

sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby

May I also suggest Sequel for a nice & simple API for ‘playing’ with
the database:

sudo gem install sequel

Sequel lets you write stuff like this:

require ‘sequel/sqlite’

Open the database

DB = Sequel.sqlite(‘mydb.sqlite’)

Assuming the table name is ‘people’

class Person < Sequel::Model(:people)
def capitalize

Person.each {|p| p.capitalize}

You can find out more about Sequel here:

Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

The API is here:



Une Bévue [email protected] wrote:

i now how to capitalize with ruby but i’ve never use ruby with SQLite.

After installing sqlite3-ruby by gem i’m trying :

#! /usr/bin/env ruby

require ‘sqlite3’

db = SQLite3::Database.new( “backpb.db” )
db.execute( “select distinct UID, lastName, firstName, fullLastName from
devicephonebook” ) do | row |
p row
db.execute( “UPDATE devicephonebook SET lastName =
‘#{row[1].capitalize}’, firstName = ‘#{row[2].capitalize}’, fullLastName
= ‘#{row[1].capitalize}#{row[2].capitalize}’ WHERE UID = #{row[0]}”)

where i get the following error :

SQLite3::SQLException: no such function: get_zy_string
method check
in errors.rb at line 94
method initialize
in statement.rb at line 71
method new
in database.rb at line 184
method prepare
in database.rb at line 184
method execute
in database.rb at line 211
at top level
in test.rb at line 8
method execute
in database.rb at line 214
method each
in resultset.rb at line 162
method execute
in database.rb at line 214
method prepare
in database.rb at line 187
method execute
in database.rb at line 211
at top level
in test.rb at line 6
Program exited.

line 6 being db.execute( “select distinct UID, …”)
line 8 being db.execute( “UPDATE devicephonebook SET …”)

Sharon R. [email protected] wrote:

If you have the sqlite3 libs installed, you can install the sqlite3

sudo gem install sqlite3-ruby

already done, thanks :wink:

May I also suggest Sequel for a nice & simple API for ‘playing’ with
the database:

sudo gem install sequel


You can find out more about Sequel here:

Google Code Archive - Long-term storage for Google Code Project Hosting.

The API is here:


OK thanks a lot about your advice upon “sequel” i’ll look for.

i’ve already done a first test using sqlite3-ruby only however i got an
error (see my last post) )))

Une Bévue [email protected] wrote:

  return self.capitalize



this has to be read as :

PARTICULES = [ “de”, “di”, “von”, “van” ]

class String
def name_capitalize
if self.include?(“-”)
l = self.split(“-”)
lo = []
l.each { |ll| lo << ll.capitalize }
return lo.join(“-”)
elsif self.include?(" “)
l = self.split(” “)
lo = []
l.each { |ll|
if PARTICULES.include? ll
lo << ll
lo << ll.capitalize
return lo.join(” ")
return self.capitalize

Sharon R. [email protected] wrote:



I had to re-arrange your script the following way :

class Person < Sequel::Model(:devicephonebook)
def capitalize
@values[:lastName] = @values[:lastName].name_capitalize
@values[:firstName] = @values[:firstName].name_capitalize
@values[:fullLastName] = @values[:lastName] + @values[:firstName]
p "[ " + @values[:lastName] + ", " + @values[:firstName] + “, " +
@values[:fullLastName] + " ]”

i can’t use String#capitalize! for three reasons :

  • 1 - if a name is already capitalize String#capitalize! returns nil ;
  • 2 - “aristocratic” people having name like that :

di Girolamo
Pavin de Lafarge
von Beethoven
van Houthen

or composite name :

  • 3 - Harley-Davidson

then i wrote :

class String
def name_capitalize
if self.include?(“-”)
l = self.split(“-”)
l.each { |ll| ll = ll.capitalize }
return l.join(“-”)
elsif self.include?(" “)
l = self.split(” “)
l.each { |ll| ll = ll.capitalize if !TRUC.include? ll }
return l.join(” ")
return self.capitalize

everything works well until i’ve uncomented “#save” where i get the same
error as another script not using Sequel :

RuntimeError: no such function: get_zy_string
method hold
in connection_pool.rb at line 68
method execute_insert
in sqlite.rb at line 42
method insert
in sqlite.rb at line 121
method save
in record.rb at line 82
method capitalize
in test-sequel.rb at line 38
at top level
in test-sequel.rb at line 42
method []
in dataset.rb at line 330
method each
in dataset.rb at line 330
method call
in sqlite.rb at line 115
method fetch_rows
in sqlite.rb at line 115
method each
in resultset.rb at line 162
method fetch_rows
in sqlite.rb at line 112
method query
in database.rb at line 278
method execute_select
in sqlite.rb at line 52
method hold
in connection_pool.rb at line 62
method execute_select
in sqlite.rb at line 52
method fetch_rows
in sqlite.rb at line 109
method each
in dataset.rb at line 330
method each
in untitled document at line 1
method send
in model.rb at line 60
method method_missing
in model.rb at line 60
at top level
in test-sequel.rb at line 42
Program exited.

This appeared AFTER the first p in Person.each {|p| p.capitalize } ???

may be better to ask to the Sequel google-list but the prob does exist
in sqlite3-ruby…