Sqilte3 test-case issue

Hi, there:
My environment: rails 2.02, sqlite3, ruby 1.8.6
I am stucked at my first test-case running. Everything about
database works fine in development environment. however, I ran “rake
db:test:prepare” and then I tried the default generated test-case, it
errors as follow. I checked in test.sqlite3, the table does exist
(and all blank).
Any clues? Thanks in advance!


ruby test/unit/task_test.rb
Loaded suite test/unit/task_test
Finished in 0.163851 seconds.

  1. Error:
    ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: SQLite3::SQLException: table tasks has
    no column named time: INSERT INTO tasks (“updated_at”, “time”,
    “price”, “title”, “number”, “id”, “description”, “created_at”) VALUES
    (‘2008-01-29 10:50:21’, ‘2007-12-31’, 1, ‘MyString’, 1, 996332877,
    ‘MyText’, ‘2008-01-29 10:50:21’)

  2. Error:
    SQLite3::SQLException: SQL logic error or missing database

I am having the same problem as you are, I have two tables and cannot
unit test either of them. Can anyone help?