e$B$G!"5,3J$G$Oe(B space flag
% ./ruby -ve ‘printf("[% e]\n", 1.0/0.0)’
ruby 1.9.0 (2008-03-06 revision 15711) [i686-linux]
e$B$3$3$Oe(B [ Inf] e$B$,4|BT$5$l$k=PNO$@$H;W$$$^$9!#e(B
e$B$G!"5,3J$G$Oe(B space flag
% ./ruby -ve ‘printf("[% e]\n", 1.0/0.0)’
ruby 1.9.0 (2008-03-06 revision 15711) [i686-linux]
e$B$3$3$Oe(B [ Inf] e$B$,4|BT$5$l$k=PNO$@$H;W$$$^$9!#e(B
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