Spredsheet_on_rails support only 2003 xls not 2007 & 2010 xlsx ERROR-"OLE2 signature is invalid"

hi all
i wish to upload a spreadsheet file and all the content of that file
be save in my mysql database.

my code working best with xls 2003 but when i upload xlsx 2007 & 2010 i
get error “OLE2 signature is invalid”.

What should i do for xlsx 2007 & 2010 …


is any body know this

any one this how to work with all version of spredsheets ?

any one about this

Stop bumping your question. That is really annoying.

You haven’t posted your code, so how do you expect anyone to give you a
meaningful reply?

Also, if you have done a google search on reading excel files in ruby,
you would have known of at least two libraries which read Excel files.
Please google next time before posting. If you can’t find any results,
it does not necessarily mean they don’t exist. It just means you are
incapable of looking for what you want.

And that does not mean you spam mailing lists with inane questions.

Learn to ask questions the smart way. Here is a resource for that:

Dheeraj K.