Is there a gem that will present things in a spreadsheet-like style?
I tried searching via both Google and and found mainly
things to import and export .xls[x] and Google Spreadsheets. There
was also the Exercise gem, which had zero documentation about what it
does, which doesn’t make me confident in using it.
Why do I ask?
I’ve made a little app ( in which the
presentation of the main object (a Decision) is like a spreadsheet.
Along the top are Alternatives, down the left side are Factors, and in
each cell is the Rating for that Alternative in that Factor. For
instance, a Decision titled “What car should I buy?” might have
Alternatives like Accord, Camry, Prius, etc., and Factors like Price,
Reliability, Fuel Economy, etc. In each cell would be ratings such as
“Very Good” in the Prius column of the Economy row.
This sort of spreadsheet-like appearance strikes me as common enough,
and maybe just barely complex enough (i.e., sufficiently error-prone
and tedious), that there just might already be a gem for it. But I
couldn’t find any. So I figured that since I’ve now invented this
wheel, if there isn’t one already, I may as well isolate it, make it a
gem, and publish it. Do you think it would be useful to anybody?
LOOKING FOR WORK! What: Ruby (on/off Rails), Python, other modern
Where: Northern Virginia, Washington DC (near Orange Line), and remote
See: (main) * (code) *
Specialization is for insects. (Heinlein) - Have Pun, Will Babble!