I have an array of brands and I need to split this array by brand name
first letter. How can I do that?
I have an array of brands and I need to split this array by brand name
first letter. How can I do that?
Greg Ma wrote:
I have an array of brands and I need to split this array by brand name
first letter. How can I do that?
[“fz”, “yt”, “fu”, “za”, “zw”, “yo”, “zb”].group_by {|s|s[0,1]}
=> {“y”=>[“yt”, “yo”], “z”=>[“za”, “zw”, “zb”], “f”=>[“fz”, “fu”]}
On Jun 10, 1:45 pm, Joel VanderWerf [email protected] wrote:
I have an array of brands and I need to split this array by brand name
first letter. How can I do that?[“fz”, “yt”, “fu”, “za”, “zw”, “yo”, “zb”].group_by {|s|s[0,1]}
=> {“y”=>[“yt”, “yo”], “z”=>[“za”, “zw”, “zb”], “f”=>[“fz”, “fu”]}
Joel is right on. My addition below shows that (a) this works not just
for two-letter words, and (b) if you’re using Ruby 1.9, you can use a
slightly simpler syntax:
[ “foo”, “bar”, “flim”, “bork”, “cow” ].group_by{ |name| name[0] }
#=> {“f”=>[“foo”, “flim”], “b”=>[“bar”, “bork”], “c”=>[“cow”]}
Note that case matters, but you can make it irrelevant:
[ “foo”, “bar”, “Flim”, “bork” ].group_by{ |name| name[0] }
#=> {“f”=>[“foo”], “b”=>[“bar”, “bork”], “F”=>[“Flim”]}
[ “foo”, “bar”, “Flim”, “bork” ].group_by{ |name| name[0].downcase }
#=> {“f”=>[“foo”, “Flim”], “b”=>[“bar”, “bork”]}
And finally, just for the love of monkeypatching:
class String
def first_letter
class Array
def alphabetical
Hash[ group_by{|s|s.first_letter}.sort_by{|c,a|c} ]
[ “foo”, “bar”, “Flim”, “bork” ].alphabetical
#=> {“b”=>[“bar”, “bork”], “f”=>[“foo”, “Flim”]}
Wes B. wrote:
Anyone remember %w or do you all love quotes so much
(Actually, it’s finger memory from using non-ruby languages.)
Since the poster didn’t specify whether they were on ruby 1.8 or 1.9:
#group_by is available in 1.8.7
----- “Joel VanderWerf” [email protected] wrote:
Wes B. wrote:
Anyone remember %w or do you all love quotes so much
(Actually, it’s finger memory from using non-ruby languages.)
Finger memory - Ha that is a good one that I have never heard before.
Since the poster didn’t specify whether they were on ruby 1.8 or
1.9:#group_by is available in 1.8.7
One can never pass up an opportunity to use inject (j/k)! Seriously the
OP might not be on 1.8.7 yet so I threw it out there.
----- “Phrogz” [email protected] wrote:
for two-letter words, and (b) if you’re using Ruby 1.9, you can use a
class Array
def alphabetical
Hash[ group_by{|s|s.first_letter}.sort_by{|c,a|c} ]
end[ “foo”, “bar”, “Flim”, “bork” ].alphabetical
#=> {“b”=>[“bar”, “bork”], “f”=>[“foo”, “Flim”]}
Anyone remember %w or do you all love quotes so much
Since the poster didn’t specify whether they were on ruby 1.8 or 1.9:
irb(main):021:0> %w/foo bar Film bork Baz/.inject( {} ) { |h,v| k =
v[0,1].downcase; a = h[k] || []; h.merge( { k => a << v } ) }
=> {“b”=>[“bar”, “bork”, “Baz”], “f”=>[“foo”, “Film”]}
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