Sphinx Running problem


I have windows PC.First, i had install sphinx-0.9.8-win32.zip. and then
add sphinx as plugin.and set sphinx.yml file in config/sphinx.yml

my sphinx.yml is as below

config file:: config/#{environment}.sphinx.conf
searchd log file:: log/searchd.log
query log file:: log/searchd.query.log
qid file:: log/searchd.#{environment}.pid
searchd files:: db/sphinx/#{environment}/
address:: (all)
port:: 3312
allow star:: false
mem limit:: 64M
max matches:: 1000
morphology:: stem_en
charset type:: utf-8
charset table:: nil

i have put some code for test

sphinx = Sphinx::Client.new
@sphinx.SetSortMode(Sphinx::Client::SPH_SORT_ATTR_ASC, ‘created_at’)
results = @sphinx.Query(‘test’)

First i have checked that ‘telnet localhost 3312’ from cmd and it is
connected. So the service is running and accepting connections

Now i have start my application on webric port 3000

But still it gives me results = false

Can any one help me in this???