Spectrum record

Hi Marcus, list,
Thanks for swift response.
You are right about openBTS, but at the same time I am using really old
system (12.04) havent formatted for years due to its required
which can turn into real time consuming tasks thats why dragging it as
as I can avoid above situation.
Now Decimation, yes its seems right to me as well, but when I am trying
decode I am getting SCH errors (I am using channelizer.py given in GR
example directory for this purpose) with following configuration
channels= 10
sample rate= clock rate/decimation
pfb decimation= 4
OSR= channels/pfb decimation= 2.5

but when I am recording single frequency with 156 decimation, it works
partially I believe this question belongs to airprobe mailing list, but
think there is very little or null development on it, thus thought to
it here, a much active list.
I want to make sure I am not doing anything wrong in spectrum recording
channelizing afterwards once it comes to airprobe, will give a head on
Also if libusrp is the only bottelneck for me, I will change my system
configuration and install GR-3.6 (which I think supports openBTS and UHD
at moment I am moving like headless chicken between GR and airprobe, not
sure who is and what is going wrong, please spread some light here.

BTW, 12.04 is perfectly fine for GNU Radio dev.