Hi all,
Do you write patches for different programs? Don't you know where to
them in so it’s actually easy to view the interesting ones? Does it
bother you
not knowing which ones are already applied upstream, or which version
apply cleanly to? Does it bother you not being able to easily publish
share them?
Let me introduce... the PatchServer!
PatchServer is a small Ruby on Rails app designed to store patches:
upload them to the server, and then you can:
- View their associated data, like the upstream version they're
for, the program they apply to, description and related patches
- View them color-highlighted! (thanks to Jamis B.'s Syntax
- View their history (yes, you can have several versions of the same
- View all the patches for a given program, all the unapplied ones
- Search your patches
- Subscribe to a general RSS feed or to per-program RSS feeds
- And more!
It is still rough on the edges, but it’s usable and I will like to
feedback from interested parties. I have just registered the project in
RubyForge, as “patch-server”, so you have:
Homepage: http://patch-server.rubyforge.org/
Download: http://rubyforge.org/frs/?group_id=2100
RubyForge homepage: http://rubyforge.org/projects/patch-server
The code is in Darcs, at http://www.demiurgo.org/darcs/patch_server/ ,
getting it is a matter of:
darcs get http://www.demiurgo.org/darcs/patch_server/
Some screenshots are available at