SouthWest RubyConf?

Is anyone aware of, or interested in helping prepare, plans for a U.S.
SouthWest RubyConf 2007?

James B.

“A principle or axiom is of no value without the rules for applying it.”

  • Len Bullard

On Oct 27, 2006, at 8:32 PM, James B. wrote:

Is anyone aware of, or interested in helping prepare, plans for a
U.S. SouthWest RubyConf 2007?

I’m toying with the idea of organizing one in Dallas, TX. Not sure
if that counts, Texas being its own country and all that :wink:

On 10/27/06, James B. [email protected] wrote:

Is anyone aware of, or interested in helping prepare, plans for a U.S.
SouthWest RubyConf 2007?

Depending on when and where, I’d likely be interested in helping out.

Hi –

On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, Adam K. wrote:

On Oct 27, 2006, at 8:32 PM, James B. wrote:

Is anyone aware of, or interested in helping prepare, plans for a U.S.
SouthWest RubyConf 2007?

I’m toying with the idea of organizing one in Dallas, TX. Not sure if that
counts, Texas being its own country and all that :wink:

Since we had a RubyConf in Austin, I guess RubyConf is “really
international”, or whatever it is that people keep saying we aren’t


I’m in Houston, TX, so I would be interested … pending knowledge of
the date such an event would be held.

James B. wrote:

Is anyone aware of, or interested in helping prepare, plans for a U.S.
SouthWest RubyConf 2007?

I would be willing to run the idea up the flagpole around Durango,
Colorado, but that’s pretty remote.

Yeah - I’m interested in helping.

I’d add a tentative +1 to this, since I missed the one in Denver.

pat eyler wrote:

Not to dissuade you from helping with a Southwest RubyConf,
but the MountainWest RubyConf is likely closer to you (and the
Denver/Colorado groups are helping with it).

That said, I’m hoping to help with/go to the Southwest conference
if there’s any way I can make it happen.

Yeah … MountainWest could easily cover the whole Mountain and Pacific
Time Zones, I would think. You’re very close to Colorado, Nevada and
Arizona and “close enough” to Oregon and California. It might be a bit
far for the folks in Seattle and in Texas, but they may have enough
momentum to do their own conferences.

On 10/30/06, Giles B. [email protected] wrote:

I’d add a tentative +1 to this, since I missed the one in Denver.

Not to dissuade you from helping with a Southwest RubyConf,
but the MountainWest RubyConf is likely closer to you (and the
Denver/Colorado groups are helping with it).

That said, I’m hoping to help with/go to the Southwest conference
if there’s any way I can make it happen.

On 10/30/06, Giles B. [email protected] wrote:

On 10/30/06, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky [email protected] wrote:
OK. There’s two things going on here. Firstly, everybody seems to know
where I live. I find this kind of unnerving.

I was just extrapolating from your comment about missing denver and
being interested inhelping with the Southwest RubyConf – sorry if it
struck too close to home. :slight_smile:

Secondly, there seems to
be some kind of RubyConf cell division occuring that I totally missed.

Well, there’s a desire to run regional RubyConferences to make it easier
to let a lot of folks attend. RubyCentral has announced a program to
sponsor regional conferences, and a number of groups have looked
at holding one (with or withough RubyCentral’s help). The one, true
“International RubyConf” is still, and will still be a floating October
event. All the rest of us are trying to bring a little bit of that
closer to

As for me, I’d love to see 4-6 regional conferences around the USA
every year in addition to RubyConf … If at all possible, I’d like to
several of them, but then again, I’m just a Ruby addict.

On 10/30/06, M. Edward (Ed) Borasky [email protected] wrote:

Arizona and “close enough” to Oregon and California. It might be a bit
far for the folks in Seattle and in Texas, but they may have enough
momentum to do their own conferences.

OK. There’s two things going on here. Firstly, everybody seems to know
where I live. I find this kind of unnerving. Secondly, there seems to
be some kind of RubyConf cell division occuring that I totally missed.

pat eyler wrote:

every year in addition to RubyConf … If at all possible, I’d like to
several of them, but then again, I’m just a Ruby addict.

It’s addicting? Now you tell me!

P.S.: There are at least three Ruby / .NET implementations. I discovered
IronRuby over the weekend.

Hi –

On Tue, 31 Oct 2006, pat eyler wrote:

be some kind of RubyConf cell division occuring that I totally missed.

Well, there’s a desire to run regional RubyConferences to make it easier
to let a lot of folks attend. RubyCentral has announced a program to
sponsor regional conferences, and a number of groups have looked
at holding one (with or withough RubyCentral’s help). The one, true
“International RubyConf” is still, and will still be a floating October
event. All the rest of us are trying to bring a little bit of that closer to

That’s correct; RubyConf is still a going concern, but Ruby Central
and others are branching out into doing more events too.

As for me, I’d love to see 4-6 regional conferences around the USA
every year in addition to RubyConf … If at all possible, I’d like to attend
several of them, but then again, I’m just a Ruby addict.

Ruby Central does indeed have a Regional Conference Grant Program, and
we encourage everyone who’s organizing one of these events to look at
the grant guidelines and apply if appropriate. The guidelines are
temporarily living at (pending some
server tweaking at


On Oct 31, 2006, at 8:42 AM, pat eyler wrote:

…but then again, I’m just a Ruby addict.

Great progress Pat. The first step is admitting that you have a
problem. :wink:

James Edward G. II

On 10/31/06, James Edward G. II [email protected] wrote:

On Oct 31, 2006, at 8:42 AM, pat eyler wrote:

…but then again, I’m just a Ruby addict.

Great progress Pat. The first step is admitting that you have a
problem. :wink:

You make it sound like I want to recover or something. ;^)

pat eyler wrote:

On 10/30/06, Giles B. [email protected] wrote:

Secondly, there seems to
be some kind of RubyConf cell division occuring that I totally missed.

Oh, nothing of the kind. Pat hit the nail on the head:

As for me, I’d love to see 4-6 regional conferences around the USA
every year in addition to RubyConf … If at all possible, I’d like to
several of them, but then again, I’m just a Ruby addict.

That’s the goal, at least. Have more Ruby events, smaller and more
accessible than the One True Conference. As of right now I’m planning
on attending the MountainWest conf (and would submit a talk proposal if
I could think of something novel to present).

But I also want something closer to home.

The more the merrier.

James B.

“Inside every large system there’s a small system trying to get out”.
- Chet Hendrickson

James Edward G. II wrote:

On Oct 31, 2006, at 8:42 AM, pat eyler wrote:

…but then again, I’m just a Ruby addict.

Great progress Pat. The first step is admitting that you have a
problem. :wink:

James Edward G. II

Who says it’s a problem? :slight_smile:

That’s the goal, at least. Have more Ruby events, smaller and more
accessible than the One True Conference. As of right now I’m planning
on attending the MountainWest conf (and would submit a talk proposal if
I could think of something novel to present).

This does seem like a good thing. I may be planning to go to
MountainWest, but then again, I was planning to make RubyConf, too.

One request, there’s a music conference in Miami that same month, the
20th to the 25th. Scheduling overlap would be a bad thing.

pat eyler wrote:

On 10/30/06, Giles B. [email protected] wrote:

Secondly, there seems to
be some kind of RubyConf cell division occuring that I totally missed.

Oh, nothing of the kind. Pat hit the nail on the head:

As for me, I’d love to see 4-6 regional conferences around the USA
every year in addition to RubyConf … If at all possible, I’d like to
several of them, but then again, I’m just a Ruby addict.

That’s the goal, at least. Have more Ruby events, smaller and more
accessible than the One True Conference. As of right now I’m planning
on attending the MountainWest conf (and would submit a talk proposal if
I could think of something novel to present).

But I also want something closer to home.

The more the merrier.

James B.

“Inside every large system there’s a small system trying to get out”.
- Chet Hendrickson