Take it with a grain of salt. I was talking to a friend of mine who is
developing Amarok and we concluded, for instance, that the “man years”
are screwed up. Nevertheless the analysis site gives you some good
overview of the code base. Yours,
ignoring /vendor, hidden files like .svn, and with tmp files removed
Total Empty Lines = 2179
Total Comments = 5785
Total Embedded Comments = 50
Total Code = 8879 <—
Total Lines = 16843
Total Files = 215
bringing vendor back in (note: I have quite a few behaviors installed)
Total Empty Lines = 25817
Total Comments = 52655
Total Embedded Comments = 472
Total Code = 71631 <----
Total Lines = 150103
Total Files = 1263
vendor w/o rails
Total Code = 20854
So I’m really not sure where 25,890 LOC is coming from… Ohloh is
pretty sweet though.