I am facing a funny issue: I want to use the sound card for analyzing
the spectral response
of a quartz tuning fork at 32768 Hz. I just happened to discover that my
laptop (Panasonic CF-19)
has a sound card able to sample a signal at 192 kHz. I checked with
audacity (Generate -> Tone at
32768 Hz and a frequency counter gives the right output frequency while
an oscilloscope displays
a clean sine wave).
Now I want to do the same with gnuradio-companion: Signal Source sampled
at 192 kHz, output frequency
at 32768 Hz, directly connected to the audio sink manually set to 192
kHz. To make a long story short:
at low frequency (<20 kHz output) the output is at the right frequency,
so the sampling rate is
properly understood. Above 24 kHz I get a clean sine wave output at f-24
kHz, so it looks like an
aliasing effect with a sampling frequency of 48 kHz, which is not
consistent with my first observation.
And setting an output frequency of 24.xx kHz (xx=300 or 400 Hz)
generates on the oscilloscope a funny
low frequency beat signal which must be related to the antialiasing
filters of the card.
What I cannot understand is where gnuradio fails to initialize the sound
card the way audacity does.
Reading the source code, I find in gr-audio/lib/alsa/alsa_sink.cc the
following intialization
// sampling rate
unsigned int orig_sampling_rate = d_sampling_rate;
if((error = snd_pcm_hw_params_set_rate_near(d_pcm_handle,
&d_sampling_rate, 0))
< 0)
bail(“failed to set rate near”, error);
if(orig_sampling_rate != d_sampling_rate) {
fprintf(stderr, "audio_alsa_sink[%s]: unable to support sampling
rate %d\n",
snd_pcm_name(d_pcm_handle), orig_sampling_rate);
fprintf(stderr, " card requested %d instead.\n",
which does not seem to test whether the sampling rate is above or below
48 kHz (as found in the
pull down menu of the Audio Sink block of gnuradio-companion), and I get
no error message when
running my application.
Any idea what could be going wrong ?
Thanks, JM
JM Friedt, FEMTO-ST Time & Frequency/SENSeOR, 32 av. observatoire, 25044
Besancon, France