I’m studying at university and I have being asked to do an application
with ruby on rails that given a web page where you have to subscribe
introducing some information in a form, later, after registering, you
can see the data introduced and advising the user that he has been
correctly subscribe.
The problem is that I don’t know a lot about ruby on rails, I know I
must have my own data base but I have some questions. First of all, what
should I have in the controller and what for? Because I have put this:
class PrincipalController < ApplicationController
def form
render_text “Hola a todos”
def enviaDades
@subscriptor = @params[:subscriptor]
@addr = @params[:address]
@ciutat = @params[:ciutat]
@cpostal = @params[:cpostal]
@tcnum = @params[:tcnums]
@dcaduc = @params[:dcaduc]
@cc = @params[:cc]
redirect_to :action => 'form2'
Is that correct??
Which are the different data I have in my data base. Know the problem,
is that I don’t know what should I do next, to make the user see that
parameters and the advise telling him that all was correct. I have put
something like this, but i don’t know how to show the parameters.
S'ha cursat la seva sol.licitud amb les dades:
If it helps, here is the code of the web page where the form is:
Subscripció Enwebats: ComformacióNom:
Ciutat: Codi Postal:
Núm. Tarjeta Crèdit: Caduca: (MM/AA)
Tapes Enquadernables (+10 euros)