Sorting records from acts_as_taggable plugin

I am using the acts_as_taggable plugin, which works rather nicely by the
way. My question is this: When using find_tagged_with, how do I sort the
resultant data? It is currently sorting based on the “id” of the record.
For instance, I have posts, with tags. If I want to find all posts
tagged with “RubyOnRails” it displays them, but not in chronological
order, they are displayed based on their id’s. I presume this wouldn’t
normally be a problem, but I am populating my posts table in the
database and the id’s aren’t in chronological order. I would like to
sort the results of find_tagged_with by the created_on field.


#if shane.pinnell /* Jun 02, 11:09 */

I am using the acts_as_taggable plugin, which works rather nicely by the
way. My question is this: When using find_tagged_with, how do I sort the
resultant data? It is currently sorting based on the “id” of the record.
For instance, I have posts, with tags. If I want to find all posts
tagged with “RubyOnRails” it displays them, but not in chronological
order, they are displayed based on their id’s. I presume this wouldn’t
normally be a problem, but I am populating my posts table in the
database and the id’s aren’t in chronological order. I would like to
sort the results of find_tagged_with by the created_on field.
#endif /* [email protected] */

have a look at this:

Basically, find_tagged_with accepts an options paramater where you can
define what :order gets passed to the actual find call.

I Only just spotted this today, and have been pulling my hair out over
:from, time for a post methinks.


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– Emma Goldman