I was playing around with a very simple code example and got different
results in IronRuby and in Ruby.
“IronRuby In Action”.split(//).sort.uniq.join
returns in MRI: " AIRbcinortuy"
returns in IronRuby: " AbciInorRtuy"
I’m sure you guys are aware of this, but just in case
I guess in the end the 2 results should be the same or is this perhaps
something that has to do with encoding?
We end up calling String.CompareTo which performs a lexicographical
comparison. This is the source of the different behavior. This should
be filed as a bug in RubyForge if it hasn’t been already.
I was playing around with a very simple code example and got different
results in IronRuby and in Ruby.
“IronRuby In Action”.split(//).sort.uniq.join
returns in MRI: " AIRbcinortuy"
returns in IronRuby: " AbciInorRtuy"
I’m sure you guys are aware of this, but just in case
I guess in the end the 2 results should be the same or is this perhaps
something that has to do with encoding?
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