Hello -
I’m kind of new to Rails, and although I can usually google the answer
to whatever problem I’m having, I’m just not sure how to phrase this, so
I come to you all for help.
I’m building an educational app, which (among other things) administers
multiple-choice tests to students. I’m staying RESTful, so Test has_many
Questions and Question has_many Answers. I started by scaffolding those
three, then scrapped all the Question and Answer views. They’re included
in the Test “show” view, which looks roughly like this:
<% for question in @test.questions %>
(question text)
<% for answer in question.answers %>
(text for each answer choice)
<% end %>
<% end %>
So, I’ve gotten that to work just fine. Now I’m trying to make both the
questions and answers each drag-and-drop sortable, so that questions in
a test can be rearranged, and answers in a question rearranged (the
latter seems unnecessary and kind of difficult, but I’m trying to work
it out in order to challenge myself). I’m following Railscast #147 for
So I have almost everything set up - I’ve added the “position” integer
to the questions and answers, and the sort function that updates their
positions in the database after the drag-and-drop is complete. I’ve
confirmed that those are working.
My problem is that when I’m displaying questions and answers, I don’t
know how to make Rails order them using their positions. On a hunch, I
tried changing the view to look like:
<% for question in @test.questions(:order => “position”) %>
<% for answer in question.answers(:order => “position”) %>
That doesn’t give an error, but it doesn’t work either. So, I’m kind of
at a loss about how to do this. I could do it the way the Railscast does
it, and go into the Test controller and Show action and make:
@questions = Question.all(:order => “position”)
And change the view accordingly, but I wouldn’t be able to fix the
answers the same way. There must be some kind of Rails Way that I’m
missing? Or some bit of syntax?
Thoughts? Thank you!