I am executing an sql query … as like …
abcarray = Abc.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => ‘whatever’, :name =>
“Hemant” },
:order => ‘date, time’
abcarray records are in this format:-
id: 1, created_at: nil, updated_at: nil, day: 1, clinic_id: 13, time:
abcarray consists of two fields day and time actually … so i want to
sort them using date first and then time second …
Is dere any way to do it … ?
Now the lecture. Using ActiveRecord requires knowing SQL, even if AR
does a very
good job of hiding its verbosity. At the simplest extreme, AR find()
allows you to write the same kind of command, such as :group or :order,
in the
same way as the matching SQL GROUP BY or ORDER BY clause.
Next, a :datetime field holds both the date and time together, so you
ought to
edit your model’s migration and run rake db:migrate:reset to erase all
your data
and put those two fields together!
I had done it …
using abcarray = Abc.find(:all, :conditions => { :id => ‘whatever’,
:name => “Hemant” }, :order => ‘day’ )
and then …
abcarray.sort {|a,b| a.time <=> b.time}
I think this is the right way to do it … ?
What say champs …?
Not only is it the wrong way (you should be using :order => ‘date,
time’), but it’s clear from your post that you didn’t pay much attention
to the answer Phlip already gave you.
Hemant, I’ve noticed that you post a lot of beginner questions on this
list that could be answered by a quick look in the Rails docs, or at
least by a good book or the Rails Guides. May I suggest that you spend
a little less time posting to the list and a little more time reading
:order => ‘day, time_start, time_end’ is returning me records only in
day sorted… This line is not sorting in context of time_start and
time_end …
Have a look in the rails log (in your application/log) and see what
sql query is being used, this may give you a clue.
If it looks correct check what type the time columns are.