i do have an array of hashes like that :
{type => aType, description => aDescription, extension => aExtension}
i’d like to sort this array by hash[‘type’], how to do that ?
this array represent the MIME Types.
i do have an array of hashes like that :
{type => aType, description => aDescription, extension => aExtension}
i’d like to sort this array by hash[‘type’], how to do that ?
this array represent the MIME Types.
On 15/02/07, Une Bévue [email protected] wrote:
Une Bévue
arrayOfHashes.sort_by{|hash| hash[‘type’]}
Une Bévue [email protected] wrote:
i’d like to sort this array by hash[‘type’], how to do that ?
i did that that way :
mime_type1[‘type’] <=> mime_type2[‘type’]
it’s working very well
is arrayOfHashes a special object in ruby ???
arrayOfHashes is your array of hashes. You’re calling it arr
and mime_types; he’s calling it arrayOfHashes.
i didn’t found #sort_by in the pikaxe pages for Array.
sort_by is defined in the module Enumerable. This module is
included (mixed-in?..) in Array.
Erik V. - http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/
Farrel L. [email protected] wrote:
arrayOfHashes.sort_by{|hash| hash[‘type’]}
fine thanks i did it that way :
arr.sort!{|a1,a2| a1[‘type’] <=> a2[‘type’]}
is arrayOfHashes a special object in ruby ???
i didn’t found #sort_by in the pikaxe pages for Array.
mime_type1[‘type’] <=> mime_type2[‘type’]
}it’s working very well
But it’s inefficient… (See benchmark below.)
You’re doing a lookup in both hashes in order to compare the
types. A more efficient technique is to cache theses types.
Sort_by constructs a temporary array, where each element is an
array containing the type along with the mime type. Sort_by
than sorts this array, and extracts the mime type from the
Erik V. - http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/
$ cat test.rb
require “benchmark”
array =
(1…100_000).collect do
{:thing => rand}
Benchmark.bmbm do |bm|
bm.report(“sort”) do
10.times do
array.sort do |h1, h2|
h1[:thing] <=> h2[:thing]
bm.report(“sort_by”) do
10.times do
array.sort_by do |h|
$ ruby test.rb
Rehearsal -------------------------------------------
sort 76.360000 0.000000 76.360000 ( 76.510000)
sort_by 7.391000 0.000000 7.391000 ( 7.391000)
--------------------------------- total: 83.751000sec
user system total real
sort 46.967000 0.000000 46.967000 ( 47.047000)
sort_by 7.191000 0.000000 7.191000 ( 7.190000)
Erik V. [email protected] wrote:
But it’s inefficient… (See benchmark below.)
it was a “one time running” script then…
You’re doing a lookup in both hashes in order to compare the
types. A more efficient technique is to cache theses types.Sort_by constructs a temporary array, where each element is an
array containing the type along with the mime type. Sort_by
than sorts this array, and extracts the mime type from the
Ok i see.
Erik V. - http://www.erikveen.dds.nl/
Anyway, thanks a lot i’ve learned something today )))
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