Sort Array of Hashes

Hi all,

i wrote array of hashes and i would like to sort it. I search in the net
few hours how to do this, but was not able to find exactly what i

Here is my code:
_FilesData =
_FilesData << { :FileName => splitLine[8] ,
:Year => ,
:Month => month ,
:Day => splitLine[6].to_i ,
:Hour => hm[0].to_i ,
:Min => hm[1].to_i ,
:Suffix => Str ;
:Size => splitLine[4].to_i

I would like to sort _FilesData accourding to Year, then Month, then
Day, then by Suffix (Year, Month and Day are Integers numbers and Suffix
is an ascii string).

Just a remark, the size of _FilesData is more then one date set.


Hi –

On Sun, 27 Jul 2008, Adgar M. wrote:

Hi all,

i wrote array of hashes and i would like to sort it. I search in the net
few hours how to do this, but was not able to find exactly what i

Here is my code:
_FilesData =

_FilesData is kind of a weird variable name.

I would like to sort _FilesData accourding to Year, then Month, then
Day, then by Suffix (Year, Month and Day are Integers numbers and Suffix
is an ascii string).

Just a remark, the size of _FilesData is more then one date set.

Try this (untested):

_FilesData.sort_by {|hash| hash.values_at(:Year, :Month, :Day,
:Suffix) }
