Something more compact for getopt


I use GetoptLong but I miss something much shorter in usage like
GetoptLong in Perl. In Perl I could write

GetOptions(‘re_from=s’ => $re_from, ‘re_to=s’ => $re_to, ‘do’ =>
$do_do, ‘enum’ => $enum, ‘from=i’ => $from, ‘step=i’ => $step,
‘width=i’ => $width);

So in one line – or two – I set the possible arguments, their
types, assignment to variables and all the if-checking is done for me.
No need to write loop to check all parameters like in Ruby.
Is any package available which do similar thing for Ruby?

Thanks in advance, have a good day

On 11/2/06, Maciej P. [email protected] wrote:

types, assignment to variables and all the if-checking is done for me.
No need to write loop to check all parameters like in Ruby.
Is any package available which do similar thing for Ruby?

Thanks in advance, have a good day

try optparse [1], though not that concise, it’s pretty nice and easy
to use. You can find pretty smart usage in [2]. look for # default


Maciej P. wrote:

types, assignment to variables and all the if-checking is done for me.
No need to write loop to check all parameters like in Ruby.
Is any package available which do similar thing for Ruby?

Thanks in advance, have a good day

I’ll give you two options. One that I worte that isn’t as concise as
you’ve asked, but it has it’s own form of simplicity (see

require ‘facet/command.rb’

class MyCommand < Cosole::Command
def __re_from(s); $re_from = s.to_s; end
def __re_to(s); $re_to = s.to_s; end
def __do; $do_do = true; end
def __enum; $enum = true; end
def __from(i); $from = i.to_i; end
def __step(i); $step = i.to_i; end
def __width(i); $width = i.to_i; end
# …

It can’t handle using the ‘=’ sign yet, but I plan to add taht soon
with a few other featuers.

The other is the usage lib (see

usage = “-t to_name -f from_name files_to_send…”

puts usage.to_name # => the value after the -t
puts usage.from_name # => the value after -f
puts usage.files_to_send # => an array of filenames
