Some questions on ruby - case2(can carry local variable through scope of block?)


  1. cat case2.rb
    #!/usr/bin/env ruby

def check_status(servers)
servers.each do |server|
# … Skip some code
# if server status is up
status = ‘up’
return status

servers = [‘s1’, 's2, ‘s3’]

2. run case2.rb get
case2.rb:9:in check_status': undefined local variable or methodstatus’ for main:Object (NameError)
from case2.rb:13:in `’

3. my question:
Is there way transfer local variable(such as ‘status’) out of the
block(such as servers.each)?
I mean don’t define varialbe ‘status’ outside and before servers.each

If you set “status” outside of the block, it should then use that
variable and give it a new value within the block. There are also
different loop methods with different variable scopes.

def check_status(servers)
status = ‘down’
servers.each do |server|
# Code
status = ‘up’

servers = [‘s1’, ‘s2’, ‘s3’]

Joel P. wrote in post #1125476:

If you set “status” outside of the block, it should then use that
variable and give it a new value within the block. There are also
different loop methods with different variable scopes.

def check_status(servers)
status = ‘down’
servers.each do |server|
# Code
status = ‘up’

servers = [‘s1’, ‘s2’, ‘s3’]

Hi Joel,

If define ‘status’ before servers.each, then ‘status’ in servers.each is
not local variable of block ‘servers.each’, what I want to ask is: is it
possible to carry the block(such as ‘servers.each’ in case2.rb) local
variable(such as ‘status’ here) out of the block?

As far as I know, it’s only possible if you have a variable already
outside the scope of the block, as demonstrated. Any local variable you
declare inside the block vanishes once you exit the block.