Some questions about serious Ruby development

I like Ruby. I like it more than Python. It’s my PERL replacement. I
used to use PERL for automated file management but I have switched to
because it is awesome and PERL blows. To be fair, I thought PERL was
awesome at the time but it’s old news, now…

So, here I come, Ruby!

I'm starting to think that I can use Ruby for some serious software

development. I think a hardcore application can be written in a careful
combination of Ruby and C++ (and some other stuff, too!). So, I did a
of looking around which has only caused me to develop some questions…

Can anyone recommend a good IDE?  Ah, the tired IDE question...  I 

did a
search on on this subject and, yes, it is a common
However, every instance of it seems to have the same theme. Vi(m) is
greatest text editor out there (I found Emacs too hard to learn).
highlighting is highly overrated and auto-completion is useless. What I
need from an IDE is a debugger! Even if it were as simple as the
ability to
place breakpoints, step into and over lines of code, display evaluation
results (like what IRB does), and list variables in scope. It would
also be
nice if it would let me evaluate methods of variables in scope, so I can
to get the state of various objects. Seriously, I’m tired of printf
debugging (not that anyone uses printf in Ruby)…

Can anyone recommend a good... I don't know the proper term for this

but… a GUI toolkit? A widget toolkit? Something that allows me to
and manage windows and widgets to put in those windows. I’ll need the
ability to create new (custom) widgets and it would be nice if it were

Well, those are my questions, for now.  I'll certainly be back if I 

any more and I will, of course, continue to lurk here as well as answer
few questions I think I can answer competently! I’m really excited
doing some serious Ruby development and I look forward to whatever
suggestions I get!
Thank you for your help…

What I need from an IDE is a debugger! Even if it were as simple as the
ability to place breakpoints, step into and over lines of code, display
evaluation results (like what IRB does), and list variables in scope.

You don’t say if you have Visual Studio. If so, you can try out our Ruby
Steel IDE. This has breakpoints, watch variables, locals, autos, step
into/over, run to, evaluate in a command window, syntax error location
code colouring/collapsing, Rails development tools etc. Not yet
but we are working on that at the moment…

Download the latest here:

best wishes
Huw C.

On Jul 11, 2006, at 5:55 AM, Just Another Victim of the Ambient
Morality wrote:

need from an IDE is a debugger! Even if it were as simple as the
ability to
place breakpoints, step into and over lines of code, display
results (like what IRB does), and list variables in scope. It
would also be
nice if it would let me evaluate methods of variables in scope, so
I can try
to get the state of various objects. Seriously, I’m tired of printf
debugging (not that anyone uses printf in Ruby)…

Just to take things in a whole different direction, are you using
test driven development? I’ve found that TDD has eliminated a lot of
my need for debugging. It’s a little like that printf debugging
except that the printf’s become asserts and you don’t have to throw
them away. They stay useful.

That being said, Eclipse’s RDT is supposed to handle debugging, but I
haven’t had much luck with it so far.

On 7/11/06, Just Another Victim of the Ambient M.
[email protected] wrote:

Syntax highlighting is highly overrated and auto-completion is useless.

What I need from an IDE is a debugger! Even if it were as simple as the ability to
place breakpoints, step into and over lines of code, display evaluation
results (like what IRB does), and list variables in scope. It would also be
nice if it would let me evaluate methods of variables in scope, so I can try
to get the state of various objects. Seriously, I’m tired of printf
debugging (not that anyone uses printf in Ruby)…

Two suggestions, check out the breakpoint gem – it is pretty much
what you say you want from a debugger. If what you really want is a
full IDE with a good integrated debugger, then you should check out
ArachnoEdit ( It is a commercial product, still in beta
that seems to get developed in a series of sprints. It has a custom
version of Ruby with a C extension for much faster debugging/stepping.

Can anyone recommend a good... I don't know the proper term for this

but… a GUI toolkit?

Check the archive, we just had this discussion: FXRuby, QtRuby,
wxRuby seem to be the primary choices.


“Just Another Victim of the Ambient M.” [email protected]

What I
need from an IDE is a debugger!
ArachnoRuby dot.

Have a nice day

Just Another Victim of the Ambient M. wrote:

display evaluation results (like what IRB does)

I use the following method to do that:

def describe code

takes a string to be eval’ed and prints it along with showing the

return value
sep = ’ => ’
result = eval(code)
puts code + sep + result.inspect
return result
rescue Exception => e
puts code + sep + e.to_s
return nil

I then can issue the following to get a nice printout, and also get the
returned value of the statement. Example:

my_array = describe “, 5).to_a”

Would output “, 5).to_a => [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]” and also assign
my_array properly.

John wrote:

def describe code

takes a string to be eval’ed and prints it along

with showing the return value

sep = ’ => ’
result = eval(code)
puts code + sep + result.inspect
return result
rescue Exception => e
puts code + sep + e.to_s
return nil

Hi John,

You can write than method even more terse:

def describe code
sep = ’ => ’
result = eval(code)
puts code + sep + result.inspect
return result
rescue Exception => e
puts code + sep + e.to_s
# puts already returns nil


Daniel S. wrote:

puts code + sep + e.to_s
result = eval(code)
puts code + sep + result.inspect
return result

rescue Exception => e
puts code + sep + e.to_s
# puts already returns nil

or perhaps even

def describe code
out = eval(code).inspect
rescue Exception => e
out = e.to_s; nil
puts code + " => " + out


Just Another Victim of the Ambient M. wrote:

Can anyone recommend a good IDE?

Check out xmp for vim for code evaluation and annotation:

And the breakpoint library (ask Google where it is).

Can anyone recommend a good... I don't know the proper term for this

but… a GUI toolkit?

If you’ve used TK with Perl, you can use your existing TK knowledge
with Ruby, too.


On Jul 11, 2006, at 2:45 PM, Daniel S. wrote:

rescue Exception => e
return result
out = e.to_s; nil
puts code + " => " + out


def describe code
require ‘xmp’
xmp code

I cheated though

On Jul 11, 2006, at 9:20 PM, [email protected] wrote:

Just Another Victim of the Ambient M. wrote:

Can anyone recommend a good IDE?

Check out xmp for vim for code evaluation and annotation:

For those of you that use TextMate, this is now bundled with the
editor as the Execute and Update ?# =>? Markers command in the Ruby
bundle menu.

James Edward G. II