I am now moving from ver 3.1.3 to ver 3.2.
My application (GNU Radio Beacon Receiver; GRBR) is
all python script, but some parts need to be modified.
I am using “usrp.cal_dxc_freq” in my scirpt, but it is
missing in ver 3.2. From this mailing-list archive,
I learned that this routine should be in, but forgot.
I hope sooner replace. Until then, I try to find a way.
(Do you have any suggestions?)
I am now running 7 USRPs in Asian countries for real
experiment, and the numbers are increasing. Soon,
some are in ver 3.2, and the others are still in 3.1.3.
The scirpts are slightly different. Is there any good way
of finding “GNU Radio version” from the python script itself?
Any suggestions on unifying the version difference are
welcome, too.
=== set_freq ===
One more finding from my sciprt was different return
from “set_freq” routines. Before, it was a tuple of
(ok, baseband_freq), but now it is a “freq_result_t”
structure. “ok” and “baseband_freq” are members
of the structure.
Mamoru Y.
Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere (RISH)
Kyoto University
[email protected]