Folks, I have a real opportunity to make a
difference here. But I need some help, and
the lack of documentation on this subject
is a major hindrance.
To do an install, I have to do a build (unlike
my PC). For that, I need a bit more assistance.
Dan B. was very helpful when he laid out
this process:
make distclean
./configure --prefix=/wherever/you/want
make install
That’s a good process that will probably work
decently. But then Ara Howard added this cryptic
don’t forget to do both of these before compiling
LD_RUN_PATH=/wherever/you/want/lib # most important!if you do this all the stuff you compile it will
inter-operate nicely–e.g. ruby extensions–and other
users will be able to use it without having their
LD_LIBRARY_PATH set. They’ll only require PATH.
I sure this makes sense, but I’m missing the mental
model–the picture of what’s happening–that would
explain /why/ it makes sense. These variables aren’t
mentioned in the Makefile, so they must be important
to gcc. But why, if I’m /creating/ the lib as part
of the process??
Finally, it looks as though install-all is what I want,
because install looks seems to a documentn-free install.
I’m not conversant enough with the Ruby build to be
sure I’m reading the Makefile right, but what I see is
install: install-nodoc $(RDOCTARGET)
install-all: install-nodoc install-doc
Where RDOCTARGET is defined as nil, by default.
If it’s supposed to be specified, it’s not mentioned in
the Makefile. So I’m guessing that the target I really
want is install-all. But I’d like to confirm that.
So the process that /looks/ right to me, at the moment,
make distclean
setenv LD_LIBRARY_PATH /wherever/you/want/lib
setenv LD_RUN_PATH /wherever/you/want/lib
./configure --prefix=/wherever/you/want
make install-all
I’ll try it, but I feel like a blind man groping in
the dark. I was hoping for confirmation and/or a bit
more enlightenment before going forward…