Dear All,
Do we think it is possible to create a software mobile phone using the
USRP, with the OpenBTS code or something else?
I mean everything would be in software, plus the USRP…?
Dear All,
Do we think it is possible to create a software mobile phone using the
USRP, with the OpenBTS code or something else?
I mean everything would be in software, plus the USRP…?
Dear All,
Do we think it is possible to create a software mobile phone using the
USRP, with the OpenBTS code or something else?I mean everything would be in software, plus the USRP…?
It is absolutely possible. So far I don’t know anyone who has
tried to do it. The OpenBTS code would give you a big head start.
I also think it would be interesting to port the resulting code into a
mobile phone. Generally the GSM protocols in a phone are run in a
“baseband processor” separate from the user interface processor.
Every phone I know of uses secret, proprietary code running in the
baseband processor, even when the user interface is largely free
software. Once you had working code running in GNU Radio on a Linux
machine, the challenge would be finding a well-documented baseband
chip (in which the manufacturer tells you where to find the radio I/O
gear on the chip, and how it works, etc). Porting clean GSM code to
run in that chip in realtime would require some adaptation to exploit
unusual on-chip DSP hardware, mastering an embedded debugging
environment, and perhaps shrinking the memory consumption of the GNU
Radio-based code.
I think it’s not only doable, but well worth doing. It should be
worth a couple of PhDs at least. You would certainly know the GSM
protocols inside and out by the time you were done!
And leveraging the work from the osmocombb project
( will get you a far ways towards the goal.
Quoting John G. ([email protected]):
Fantastic stuff!
The OpenBTS code would give you a big head start.
The tranceiver part sure. But you’d still need pretty big modification
to have it act as a TDMA clock slave and not TDMA clock master (that’s
quite different).
Once you have done the L1 inside the USRP somehow, you can re-use the
osmocom-bb code (which is an opensource baseband implementation project)
for the upper layers.
Sylvain M.
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