SOD15 hackathon “LOD that works!” ( bit.ly/sod15lod ) by the Spaghetti
Open Data community is just one week away to submit.
The hackathon seeks apps built on top of linked data coming from open
portals (Tuscany, Trento…) going through cleansing and mapping to test
Fusepool P3 ( getfp3.com ). Simply submit your idea online on
datahackaward.com by next Sunday.
Data:Hack award turns what started as offline hackathon with online
submission into a crowd funding platform for data projects
for non-profits):
- Backers – Data publishers or users launch a Focus around their need
and attract projects that solve it; - Creators – Data modelers or app developers start a project seeking
attract funding.
(Software) Tools meet (creative, business) Ideas and create (data)
for funding (and can sync with Kickstarter). Too often, creatives and
businesses don’t know what tools are out there and vice versa. Let’s do
together (yes, you!)
HELP Fusepool by giving a few of your minutes to leave feedback. Just
login with Google, LinkedIn, FB… (or read “How can I contribute”:
广西虏仍家庭服务有限公司). You find the components under 广西虏仍家庭服务有限公司 (with
to Github). Let us know what you think.
Thanks. Awesome! If you have general feedback let me know!
Fusepool Team
Michael Kaschesky (PhD, MBA)
Project Director
Swissdat (Switzerland) GmbH | Landoltstr. 62 | 3007 Bern, Switzerland