Socket patch

I have uploaded a patch to the rubyforge project site. You can see it

Here is the blurb if you don’t have time to check it out.


This patch is a further development of the current Socket classes.

Source files

  • The methods in the all the Socket classes, except for Socket itself,
    been implemented.
  • The classes have been moved into a subfolder of the IronRuby.Libraries
    project in line with other “library” classes such as Digest.
  • The SocketError class has been implemented.
  • Various Errno:: classes still need to be implemented since the not all
    Socket errors come back as SocketError exceptions!
  • Various conversion methods have been abstracted, such as
    ConvertToHost and so on. These are stored in BasicSocket.cs

Testing files
Some initial Socket RSpec files have been moved into the
/trunk/tests/ironruby/specs/library/socket folder. Particularly the
UDPSocket folder has some runnable tests.
The spec_runner.rb file has been modified to allow rake rspec and rake
to run these files. The general format is to use : colons to separate
folders in order to run non-core specs. For example:

rake rspec library:socket:udpsocket - fail
Will run all the specs in the
trunk/tests/ironruby/specs/library/socket/udpsocket folder.