SOAP web service

I am looking for a way to host a SOAP Webserver that serves the data
as SOAP document/literal. I know actionwebservice support SOAP RPC/
encoded mode but I need document/literal. Anyone knows how to do this?

codefusurfer wrote:

I am looking for a way to host a SOAP Webserver that serves the data
as SOAP document/literal. I know actionwebservice support SOAP RPC/
encoded mode but I need document/literal. Anyone knows how to do this?

The Java and .Net worlds have lots of “nice” options for those seeking
to torture themselves with SOAP web services. Ruby on Rails is VERY
opinionated against SOAP in favor of REST, as am I.

I’m sure it can be done, but you’d likely be better off finding a forum
devoted to providing SOAP with Ruby. I have a feeling you won’t find
much assistance here. I could be wrong though.

If I could do REST I wouldn’t be asking. Why does everyone assumes
that you can tell your client that the framework doesn’t support their
product API so go away? Sometimes the programmer has actually to find
the solution that the client wants can haven’t your way all the time.

I believe I mentioned ActionWebService so I believe that I have done a
search and try alternatives with no positive results. Please if you
don’t have an answer don’t waste your time.

Robert W. wrote:

codefusurfer wrote:

I am looking for a way to host a SOAP Webserver that serves the data
as SOAP document/literal. I know actionwebservice support SOAP RPC/
encoded mode but I need document/literal. Anyone knows how to do this?

The Java and .Net worlds have lots of “nice” options for those seeking
to torture themselves with SOAP web services. Ruby on Rails is VERY
opinionated against SOAP in favor of REST, as am I.

I’m sure it can be done, but you’d likely be better off finding a forum
devoted to providing SOAP with Ruby. I have a feeling you won’t find
much assistance here. I could be wrong though.

I think you’re right. Does it absolutely have to be SOAP? If not, your
life will be easier.

If it does have to be SOAP, though, I believe there are some plugins and
gems that could help. I’ve never done this myself, but a Web search
should send you in the right direction.


Marnen Laibow-Koser
[email protected]

codefusurfer wrote:

If I could do REST I wouldn’t be asking. Why does everyone assumes
that you can tell your client that the framework doesn’t support their
product API so go away? Sometimes the programmer has actually to find
the solution that the client wants can haven’t your way all the time.

Original post:

I am looking for a way to host a SOAP Webserver that serves the data
as SOAP document/literal. I know actionwebservice support SOAP RPC/
encoded mode but I need document/literal. Anyone knows how to do this?

There is nothing in your original post that would indicate any other
assumptions. You say that you want to “host a SOAP Webserver,” which to
me certainly sounds like you’re the one in control of the service. There
is no mention, whatsoever, that your implementation requires conformance
to some already established API.

As far as I know your original post embeds its own answer. I am aware
only of actionwebservice. I think maybe someone has updated the old
implementation that was pulled from Rails core a few years ago. Look
around on Github to see if you can find it. If you do find it try
directing your questions to the guy maintaining that project. I imagine
he’ll be more helpful than anyone else here. Especially if you are
willing to contribute to that project, even if that might involve
suggestions or bug reports only.

On 7 July 2010 10:03, codefusurfer [email protected] wrote:

If I could do REST I wouldn’t be asking. Why does everyone assumes
that you can tell your client that the framework doesn’t support their
product API so go away? Sometimes the programmer has actually to find
the solution that the client wants can haven’t your way all the time.

You did not make it clear from your original post that you could not
use REST. For all we knew you might think that SOAP is the best way
to do it. It is therefore valid to query your use of SOAP.

Scathing replies to those doing their best to help will not elicit the
best response from the list I suspect.


Try this: GitHub - datanoise/actionwebservice: This project is discontinued

I believe they took the original Rails actionwebservice product and
they are keeping at it. I had to work with web services (consuming
them, not providing them) and had lots of problems with the original
Rails version. I still had some problems with this one because of
other gem requirements and had to hack it to make it work for what I
needed but got it working.

Good luck.

You could try soap4r:

Thanks Pepe,

I am in the process of recoding ActionWebService to support Document
Literal. So far I recoded the WSDL to produce document / literal. I
will be recoding the SOAP message decode/encode and request/response
of the ActionWebService to support document literal. I will let you

Thank you.