I’m trying to use get_bulk method of the manager class in Ruby SNMP
I came up with this :
SNMP::Manager.open(:Host => device, :Community => community, :Retries =>
0, :Timeout => 3) do |manager|
result = manager.get_bulk(0,200,[my_indic])
puts result.inspect
If I increase the second argument (200 in the example), I always get a
timeout before the first second.
Does anyone know how this works ?
Is there a way to actually increase the timeout (the value of 3 seconds
I set seams to have no effect)
Is there a way to retrieve the first 200 values as I do it above, then
the next 200 and so on ?
I really need this to work as snmp walk is sooooo slow !!
Thanks for helping a beginner !