Hi all,
I’m keen to get a very small laptop (or other device) to aid in coding
rails applications whilst I’m on the move.
Any recommendations re the smallest laptop/device to do this? (I open
something real small)
Hi all,
I’m keen to get a very small laptop (or other device) to aid in coding
rails applications whilst I’m on the move.
Any recommendations re the smallest laptop/device to do this? (I open
something real small)
DanielFischer.com wrote:
The apple macbook? 13inches 1grandish.
On Jan 25, 1:00 am, “Greg H.” [email protected]
I would certainly choose a MacBook, only 13’ and really good value for
money(C2D processor etc). Or go for one of these very small Dell’s, they
are a bit more expensive but also a tat smaller.
Rails install pretty easy on Mac OSX with macports.
I was thinking of something even slightly more compact, so carry around
you most of the time…I’ve seen some people using such devices however
not sure if they would have been running Window or WindowsCE…
Look at the old Toshiba Porteges…I had one that was 11 or so inches,
less than an inch thick. Weighed a little over 2 lbs. It was slower
(600Mhz) but you can get faster ones and faster models of the Compaq
Evo (same concept). Look on eBay.
They make a MacBook look like a tank.
On 1/25/07, Greg H. [email protected] wrote:
My free Ruby e-book:
My blogs:
Any recommendations re the smallest laptop/device to do this? (I open
something real small)Cheers
I was beaten to the punch. The Apple Macbook is the obviously choice
here. Very small at 13" but also great form factor and very light. Plus
you get a unix environment and all of the Rails core team develops on
macs! What more could you ask for? Oh, and it’s only about $1000.
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